K. M., INDIRESHANGADI, PRAVEENKUMARH. B., LINGAIAHSINGH, T. H.B. G., PRAKASHA., MOHAN RAOG. B., MALLIKARJUNA2021-01-012021-01-012016-12UHS12PGD48https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810158027Investigation on “Genetic analysis for seed content, fruit yield and its associated traits in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)” was undertaken during 2013-2016 at the College of Horticulture, UHS Campus, Bengaluru. High GCV and PCV were observed for number of flowers/ cluster, number of fruits/ cluster, fruit length, fruit diameter, average fruit weight, fruit volume and number of fruits/ plant. Thirty six hybrids were developed by crossing nine parents using half diallel mating design. Combining ability analysis revealed non-additive gene action for majority of the characters as SCA variance was greater than the GCA variances except for number of flowers/ cluster. Parents viz., IIHR-3, Arka Shirish and Kuduchi local were good general combiners and possess additive genes for fruit yield/ plant and Arka Shirish, Swetha and L-2863 for pulp to seed ratio, as they showed significant GCA effect in positive direction. Erangere local x Swetha and Haritha x Arka Anand showed high SCA effect for fruit yield/ plant and highest positive SCA was observed by Swetha x Haritha indicating non-additive gene action for pulp to seed ratio. The hybrids viz., Kuduchi local x L-2863, Erangere local x Swetha and Haritha X Arka Anand could be exploited for commercial value as they have manifested significant heterosis over standard check (MEBH-9) for fruit yield/ plant. Swetha x Haritha, Kuduchi local x Swetha and Arka Anand x Arka Shirish exhibited highest magnitude of positive heterosis over commercial check MEBH-9 for pulp to seed ratio. Predominant dominance and dominance based gene actions were observed for fruit yield/ plant in Haritha x Arka Shirish. Both additive and non-additive gene actions appeared to be important for fruit yield/ plant in Kuduchi local x Haritha and for pulp to seed ratio in both Haritha x Arka Shirish and Kuduchi local x IIHR-3.EnglishGENETIC ANALYSIS FOR SEED CONTENT, FRUIT YIELD AND ITS ASSOCIATED TRAITS IN BRINJAL (Solanum melongena L.)Thesis