K.C NARAYANASWAMYGAYATHRI, DEVI S.2019-05-182019-05-182007-08-28Th-8608http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810103780A laboratory experiment was conducted to study the ovipositional deterrent effect of Eucalyptus citriodora Hook.agalnst Indian uzi fly and its impact on growth and development of mulberry silkworm. The extent of reduction in oviposition rate of uzi fly was 87.59, 86.90 and 85.58 per cent over the control after 24, 48 and 72 hours after application of 10 per cent leaf powder of E.citriodora on silkworms on second third and fourth day of fifth instar, respectively. The food consumption (791.19g), digestion (580.29g), consumption index (1.37), growth rate (0.027), approximate digestibility (81.15), efficiency of conversion of ingested food (2.66), efficiency of conversion of digested food (2.86) and reference ratio (4.61) were significantly maximum when 10 per cent leaf powder of E.citriodora was dusted over silkworms on second, third and fourth day of fifth instarennullOVIPOSITIONAL DETERRENT EFFECT OF EUCALYPTUS CITRIODORA HOOK. AGAINST INDIAN UZI FLY AND ITS IMPACT ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF MULBERRY SILKWORMThesis