Jarnail SinghLandge Kishor Changdeo2017-07-122017-07-122011http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810025087The effect of packaging material on shelf life and quality of grapes cv. Thomson seedless was studied. Material was packed with three different packaging materials viz. Low density polyethylene (LDPE) of 100 guage, Polypropylene (PP) of 90 guage and Laminated aluminum foil (LAF). These samples were stored at 5˚C and 90- 95 % RH in the cold chamber. Control group of grapes samples were stored at room temperature without packaging. During the study viscoelastic behavior, PLW, moisture content, colour , TSS, Ascorbic acid content and Titrable acidity were measured at an interval of 5 days. The grapes stored at refrigerated conditions have shelf life of four weeks as compared to the control samples which has seven days. The LDPE film showed the best performance in terms of maintaining the hardness of fruit. The thickness of loading for packaging containers of grapes was calculated to be 45 cm for samples stored with LDPE. The PLW, variation in moisture content (% db), change in L, a, b colour values was observed to be minimum with LDPE. The quality parameters like Ascorbic acid content, Titrable acidity were least affected with the LAF packaging. The PP was the most effective packaging material for maintaining TSS values of fresh grapes. All the parameters PLW, colour, TSS, Ascorbic acid etc. were observed to be decreased at a faster rate in samples stored at atmospheric conditions in comparison with the samples stored at refrigerated conditions.ennullEFFECT OF PACKAGING MATERIAL ON SHELF LIFE AND QUALITY OF GRAPES (Vitis vinifera L.)Thesis