S.N. NageshaSUNITA2023-05-092023-05-092023-02-23Th-13599https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810197174Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the important cash crops grown in India. Cultivation of chilli has been adversely affected by CLCV (Chilli Leaf Curl Virus), transmitted by Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci L.) in a persistent manner. CLCV is the most harmful virus in terms of incidence and yield loss, sometimes it may cause 100% yield loss during severe infection. Out of several genetic approaches CRISPR/Cas9 mechanism is the best suited one to combat against viral diseases. In this study we targeted the host susceptible gene (Pelota /EOF), that is important for the CLCV for successful infection and multiplication, in order to control the virus multiplication t o minimize the disease incidence. In this experiment we used prepared EOF Sg – 253, EOF Sg – 30 construct against Chilli Pelota / EOF gene and transferred to Chilli through both stable transformation and transient agroinfiltration and integration of CRISPR/Cas9 was confirmed using PCR. Similarly, optimization of virus transmission is carried out, confirmed agroinfilatretd EOF Sg – 253, EOF Sg – 30 plants were further used for screening with viruliferous whiteflies. The screening was carried out every week and rating was given as range between 0 – 5, and PDI (Percent of diseases incident) was calculated. Both EOF Sg – 253, EOF Sg – 30 showed negative results to CLCV detection through PCR, while buffer control showed positive for CLCV. So it shows the construct with SgRNA is effective against CLCV.EnglishSTUDIES ON CHILLI HOST FACTORS INVOLVED IN CHILLI LEAF CURL VIRUS (CLCV) RESISTANCEThesis