Prasad, ArunAkhouri, Swechha2017-07-032017-07-032012 ON IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECT OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT AND DRIED POWDER OF Moringa oleifera LEAF IN BROILER CHICKSIn our present study on the topic “Studies on immunomodulatory effect of aqueous extract and dried powder of Moringa oleifera leaf in Broiler Chicks, the immunomodulatory properties of a reputed Ayurvedic herb, Moringa oleifera was assessed using various experimental parameters. During the study, fifty broiler chicks(day old) were procured and grouped into 5 experimental groups viz. T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 comprising of 10 chicks each, on day 7. The chicks were vaccinated against Ranikhet disease (RD) virus on day 7(F1 strain) and day 28 (R2B strain) except the fifth group which served as unvaccinated control group. All the groups of chicks were vaccinated against Infectious bursal disease (IBD) on day 14 (Georgia strain). The birds were maintained under similar managemental conditions and exposure to any sort of injury or stress was avoided. First two groups of chicks, T1 and T2 were fed with aqueous extract and dried powder of Moringa oleifera respectively each @ 250 mg/kg b. wt. For comparison, a Levamisole fed group T3 was included in the experimental design to compare the immunomodulatory effect of the preparations of M.oleifera with that of a known positive immunomodulator Levamisole fed @10 mg/kg b.wt. The other two groups T4 and T5 included in the experimental design served as the vaccinated and unvaccinated control groups respectively. The effect of the herb on humoral immune response was evaluated using beta procedure of haemagglutination inhibition test against RD virus, as per the standard protocol of Buxton and Frazer (1977). The effect of treatment on cell mediated immune response of the chicks was monitored through contact sensitivity test as per Tiwary and Goel (1985) with slight modification. The effect of treatment on non specific immune response was measured through nitroblue tetrazolium reduction test as per Culling et al., Certain blood biochemical profiles viz. total serum protein, serum albumin, serum globulin; albumin-globulin ratio and haemoglobin concentration were also estimated at the end of the experiment. Effect of feeding of M.oleifera preparations on average body weight and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of birds was also estimated at weekly intervals. The HI test conducted on serum samples of 6 randomly selected birds of each group at weekly intervals showed higher MHI Ab titre in the Levamisole treated group than any other experimental group, after 21 days. M.oleifera treated groups T1, T2 showed a stimulatory effect on humoral immune response as judged by the MHI Ab titre of the broilers. The contact sensitivity test was conducted with DNFB as contact sensitizer to assess the effect of M.oleifera on Cell mediated immune response which was observed in the form of an increase in the mean skin thickness (MST) of the DNFB challenged area of skin of the birds. The peak delayed type hypersensitivity reaction, represented by maximum MST, was observed 24 hrs. post challenge. The MST of Levamisole treated group was significantly higher than the control at 6, 24, 48 and 72 hrs post challenge. M.oleifera showed higher MST than the control groups at up to 48 hrs. Post challenge. Feeding of M.oleifera showed positive effect on the MST of the DNFB challenged birds. All the chicks of all the groups showed significantly higher MST on the challenged site when compared to MST of control site of the chicks. The non specific immune response was measured by counting formazan positive cell. Levamisole treated group showed significantly highest formazan positive cells from day 21.The Formazan counting of group T1 and T2 was higher than groups T4 on day 21 onwards and the difference was significant. No significant difference was observed in the MHI Ab titre of M.oleifera leaves aqueous extract treated group T1 and M.oleifera leaves powder treated group T2 up to day 42 but group T1showed a higher formazan positive cell Blood biochemical profile viz. total serum protein and serum albumin using Coral diagnostic kit Percentage Serum samples collected on 42 day were used for the estimation of the albumin; serum globulin and albumin-globulin ratio were further evaluated. The treatment groups showed significant difference in total protein, serum albumin level, but no significant difference was observed in serum globumin and albumin globulin ratio. At the end of the experiment, uncoagulated blood was collected from representative samples of each group for haemoglobin estimation. The treatments showed significant effect on the Hb% of the broilers. The highest Hb % was recorded in group T2 treated with dried powder of M.oleifera followed by T1 treated with aqueous extract of M. oleifera, followed by levamisole treated group, positive control, and Negative control group. M.oleifera treated group showed higher average body weight than any other experimental group at most of the time and the average body weight of the group was observed to be significantly higher than the control groups on day 42. The average body weight of the three test groups however did not differ significantly from each other at any point of time. M. oleifera fed group showed better FCR than other groups followed by levamisole treated groups followed by the vaccinated and unvaccinated control groups of chicks. Based on the above findings, it may be said that M. oleifera treated, groups when fed @ 250 mg/kg b. wt., has a stimulatory effect on immune response and feed conversion efficiency of the broilers. However the immunomodulatory effect of Levamisole is higher than the herbal preparations. Thus, we can conclude that aqueous extract and dried powder of M. oleifera may be recommended as a safe and commercially beneficial immunomodulator for better immune response on mass vaccination and side by side to get better body weight gain and haemoglobin % in the flock for commercial benefit.en-USnullSTUDIES ON IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECT OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT AND DRIED POWDER OF Moringa oleifera LEAF IN BROILER CHICKSThesis