Rathod, Dr. M. K.SREEKANTH, M. S.2021-05-262021-05-262019-08-03SREEKANTH, M. S. (2019). Knowledge and adoption of cassava production technology by the farmers in Thiruvananthapuram district. Department of extension education.Nagpur. Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. M. Sc. 2019, print. x, 97p. (unpublished).https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810169284Tuber crops are the most important food crops of man after cereals and grain legumes. The importance of cassava as a food crop was well recognized in Kerala, South India during the 20th century. Cassava continues to be a crop of food security for the millions especially in the developing countries of the globe.Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is considered as king of tropical tuber crops as it occupies a significant position in global agricultural economy and trade among the tuber crops. Cassava continues to be a crop of food security for the millions especially in the developing countries of the globe. India acquires significance in the global cassava scenario due to the highest productivity in the world (26.30 t/ha).Cassava is cultivated in about 13 States of India. The present study regarding the Knowledge and adoption of cassava production technology by the cassava farmers was carried out in Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala State with a sample size of 120 farmers selected from 12 different villages of two talukas. Data were collected on personal, socio-economic, communication and psychological characteristics of respondent cassava farmers and knowledge and adoption of cassava production technology by the cassava farmers with the help of pre structured and pretested interview schedule. The result of independent variable showed that majority of farmers belonged to middle age group (55.00%), educated up to collegiate level (49.17%), marginal farm size (73.33%), medium size of area under cassava cultivation (95.00%), medium experience in cassava cultivation (69.17%), high annual income (56.67%), medium extension contact (78.33%), medium information sources (75.00%), medium innovativeness (66.66%), medium risk orientation (74.16%) and medium level of economic motivation (78.33%). As regard the dependent variable knowledge, farmers had very good knowledge about disease free cuttings (100.00%), FYM (100.00%), leaf spot disease (96.66%) and planting season (90.00%). In overall, 61.67 per cent of the farmers had medium level of knowledge about cassava production technology. Vast majority of farmers are adopting FYM compost (98.34%), disease free cuttings (75.84%), april-may season for planting (70.70%) and NPK application (71.67%). In overall 58.33 per cent of the farmers had medium level of adoption of cassava production technology. In relational analysis, the selected variables like age, education, experience in cassava cultivation, extension contact, information sources, and innovativeness were positively significant with knowledge, whereas, Farm size , area under cassava cultivation, annual income, risk orientation and economic motivation were non-significant with the knowledge. Whereas the age, education, experience in cassava cultivation, extension contact, information sources, innovativeness and knowledge were positively significant with adoption of cassava production technologies and farm size, area under cassava cultivation, annual income, risk orientation and economic motivation were found to be non significant with adoption. The major constraints faced by the farmers were high incidence of pest and disease attack due to climate change and increased resistance by pests and pathogens (90.83%), deterioration of soil fertility (55.00%), rising labour cost and non availability of labourers (52.50%).EnglishSocial science, Extension Education.KNOWLEDGE AND ADOPTION OF CASSAVA PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY BY THE FARMERS IN THIRUVANANTHAPURAM DISTRICT.Thesis