Kharb, R.K.Bhat, Showkat Hussain2017-01-032017-01-032005 dissemination of horticulture technologies at operation level rest on the job performance and job satisfaction of Horticulture Development Officers (HDOs) in Haryana. The present study was under taken to answer the following objective: 1. To find out the job performance and job satisfaction of Horticulture Development Officers [HDOs]. 2. To identify training needs of HDOs and fruit growers in diversified agriculture. 3. To asses the constraints perceived by HDOs in diversified agriculture. 4. To find out the association between personality traits of HDOs and their job satisfaction and job performance. In order to realize the objectives all the 19 districts of Haryana state formed the locale of the study. Despite best efforts, data was collected from 60 HDOs, out of 74. The study revealed that majority of the respondents (60.00%) belonged to middle age group, possessed B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. qualification (63.33%) had medium service experience (63.33%), medium level of trainings attended (46.67%), hailed from rural areas (86.67%), having farming as their parental occupation (63.33%), medium and high source of information utilized (86.66%) and had low aspiration (80.00%). More than 63.00 per cent of the respondents were having medium level of job performance in nearly all the dimensions as well as in over all job performance. Nearly half (48.00%) of the respondents had moderate level of job satisfaction in all the two dimensions as well as in overall job satisfaction. The study pointed out that source of information and trainings attended have contributed positively and significantly towards the job performance. Whereas, parental occupation and rural urban back ground have contributed positively and significantly towards job satisfaction but education and experience have contributed negatively and significantly towards job satisfaction. The study revealed that training needs of HDOs were high in post harvest technology, fruit storage and integrated pest management. Whereas, fruit growers liked to be trained in insect pest control and disease control. Regarding constraints respondents (50.00%) belonged to medium and 33.33 per cent in high constraints category.enJob performance and job satisfaction of Horticulture development officers in diversified agricultureThesis