THAKUR, DINESH SINGHCHAUHAN, NIRMLA2018-12-222018-12-222018-10 The present study “Survey and selection of apricots (Prunus armeniaca L.) from wild population in Himachal Pradesh” aimed to, and magnitude of variability in apricots growing wild. A total of 92 healthy and bearing wild apricot genotypes on the basis of pre selection survey were marked across apricot growing areas of Shimla and Kinnaur districts of Himachal Pradesh during 2015-17. Marked trees were observed to be upright to spreading in growth habit, trunk girth in Shimla (18.72-78.84 cm) and Kinnaur (35.10-106.17 cm). Yield and yield efficiency were ranged between 36.00-54.00 kg/tree and 38.00-57.00 kg/tree, and 0.09-1.47 kg/cm2 and 0.05-0.45 kg/cm2 respectively, in Shimla and Kinnaur district. The physical characters like fruit length, fruit breadth, fruit weight, fruit firmness, stone weight, stone length and breadth, stone width, pulp/stone ratio, kernel weight and oil content were 22.06-41.31 mm, 20.39-38.41 mm, 8.70-35.34 g and 1.696.97 kg/cm2, 1.00-4.04 g, 14.94-24.87 mm and 12.28-19.50 mm, 8.40-12.89 mm, 4.75-23.72, 0.110.60 g and 37.15-54.08 per cent, respectively under both the districts. TSS, titratable acidity, total sugars, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, sugar acid ratio, carotenoid content and phenols were 11.75-21.40 °Brix, 0.48-2.55 per cent, 5.59-16.08 per cent, 1.09-6.89 per cent, 2.41-9.65 per cent, 2.27-26.95, 1630.16-2148.35 µg/100g, 53.29-95.28 mg/100ml, respectively. High heritability coupled with high genetic gain was found for the character trunk girth, stone weight, reducing sugar, kernel weight, pulp to stone ratio, titratable acidity, and leaf breadth which indicated that these characters were under the strong influence of additive gene action and hence simple selection procedure based on phenotypic expression of these traits would be more reliable. Out of 92 wild apricot genotypes studied 19 superior genotypes were selected for further evaluation after field conservation and 15 genotypes used as gene source for the development of new hybrids.ennullSURVEY AND SELECTION OF APRICOTS (Prunus armeniaca L.) FROM WILD POPULATION IN HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis