Sumangala, P RKoraddi, Vijaya V2019-07-042019-07-042005No. of references 54"An investigation on methods of storage of vegetables in the refrigerator at household level was carried out in the year 2003-04 in the five residential areas of Dharwad city viz., University residential campus, Kumareshwar Nagar, Sadhankere, Koppad kere and Kalyan Nagar. Survey and laboratory experiment were carried out to find out the prevailing practices of storage of vegetables at household level, to test the efficiency of different packaging materials and to examine the performance of various packaging materials in different shelves on shelf life and quality of vegetables under both household and laboratory refrigerated condition. The survey indicated that cent per cent of the respondents used refrigerator for storage of vegetables. Maximum percentage of households used carry bags to store leafy vegetables (61%), roots and tubers (69%), fruits (64%) and other vegetables (80%). Cent per cent of the respondents stored vegetables in the vegetable basket. Vegetables becoming tasteless was the major problem related to storage of vegetables in the refrigerator as reported by 35 per cent of respondents. The experimental findings revealed that the cumulative physiological loss of weight (CPLW) was less and shelf life was longer under laboratory refrigeration when compared to households refrigeration for most of the vegetables. The 't' value revealed a significant difference between the two conditions. The percentage CPLW and shelf life of selected vegetables under household refrigeration differed significantly in the selected packing materials and the CPLW of all the vegetables was maximum in brown paper bag while it was minimum in polyethylene bag (HDPE). The sensory evaluation index (SEI) score for sensory profile was highest in polyethylene bag under household refrigeration (55.77) and under laboratory refrigeration, it was highest in brown paper bag (69.48). The mean shelf life period (MSLP) for acceptable sensory profile of the vegetables was found to be highest in plastic container under both household and laboratory refrigeration (14.07 and 17.42 days respectively). Based on the ranking scores for physiological and qualitative parameters plastic container was found to be suitable for many vegetables while the uppermost compartment is most ideal to store the vegetables."enMETHODS OF STORAGE OF VEGETABLES IN THE REFRIGERATOR AT HOUSEHOLD LEVELThesis