HARINIKUMAR, K. M.LAKSHMEESHA R2023-05-152023-05-152023-02-24Th-13625https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810197310Protein malnutrition had direct impact on the human growth and development. Breeding for high protein content and high yielding ability is always a challenging task. In the present study, 1,256 recombinant inbred lines derived by crossing Samba Mahsuri and HPR 14 were evaluated for various agronomic traits and total grain protein content. Wide range of variability was observed for many phenotypic traits recorded during summer and kharif seasons. Pearson correlation coefficient indicated the presence of significant positive association between yield and other agronomic traits, which could be indirectly used for improving yield. Based on phenotypic evaluation, 200 RILs were selected for protein estimation and validation of SSR markers linked to seed protein content. The protein content among these selected RILs ranged from 14.99 mg/g to 28.11 mg/g. Utilization of markers linked to QTLs/genes controlling protein content helps in selection of high protein alleles in the genotypes. Among four SSR markers, RM520, RM555 and RM 205 significantly associated with protein content with 10, 9.49 and 7 per cent of phenotypic variation, respectively. By looking into the phenotypic performance and protein content, seven lines (>20.646 mg/g) viz., BH-RIL-00317, BH-RIL-00339, BH-RIL-01101, BH-RIL-00334, BHRIL 01107, BH-RIL-00421 and BH-RIL-00465, lines were shortlisted for multi-location testing to assess their yielding ability and could be released as variety for commercial cultivationEnglishEVALUATION OF HIGH PROTEIN RECOMBINANT INBRED LINES OF RICE Oryza sativa L.Thesis