Vyas, S. H.Miyani, Raghavbhai Vallabhbhai2018-05-102018-05-101982http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810045274The present study was carried out to assess the effect of various levels of moisture, sugar and fat on consistency and acceptability of Shrikhand. Skim milk dahi/curd was prepared using LF-40 strater and chakka was obtained from this curd employing vaccum whey separator. Twenty seven shrikhand samples (which replicated four times) were prepared with different levels of moisture (30-35, 35-40 and 40-45%), sugar (70%, 80% and 90% added on the basis of weight of chakka) and fat (4.0%, 6.0% and 8.0%), with uniform mixing treatment while blending the ingredients. The consistency was measured at 30°c for freshly prepared samples and at 10°C for refrigerated samples, using a cone penetrometer and the values were reported in mm. Refrigerated samples were subjected to sensory evaluation by a panel of selected judges and by consumers selected at random.enDAIRY TECHNOLOGYA STUDYEFFECT OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF MOISTURE, SUGAR AND FAT ON CONSISTENCY AND ACCEPTABILITY OF SHRIKHANDThesis