HIPPARAGI, KULAPATIPATIL, S. N.MUSHRIF, SADANAND K.CHOLIN, SARVAMANGALAG. C., SANDHYA2018-02-232018-02-232016-06UHS14PGM471http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810041276The field investigation was carried out during the year 2015-16 in the farmer’s field at Tulsigeri village of Bagalkot district of Karnataka on “Effect of post shooting spray of nitrogen and potassium on yield and quality of banana cv. Grand Naine. The banana bunches were sprayed with urea (1.00, 1.50 and 2.00%), sulphate of potash (SOP) (1.00, 1.50 and 2.00%), as per the package of practice and combination of urea and sulphate of potash during shooting, after shooting and one month after second spray were compared with control (without bunch spray). The maximum yield (bunch length (84.91 cm), internodal length between hands (12.00 cm), weight of hand (4.04 kg), length of finger (23.50 cm), girth of finger (13.88 cm), weight of finger (189.00 g), weight of bunch (34.96 kg), total yield (107.89 t/ ha) and B:C ratio (2.71:1) when compared to control) was obtained in the treatment with a combination of 2.00 per cent sulphate of potash and 1.00 per cent urea. Bunch sprayed with a combination of 2.00 per cent sulphate of potash and 1.00 per cent of urea significantly increased the quality parameters viz., TSS (23.97 0brix), total sugar (18.35 %), ascorbic acid (7 mg/100g), pulp weight (115.67 g), peel weight (41.30 g), green life (11.42 days), days to ripe (13.75) and shelf life (8.67 days) when compared to control. From the present investigation, it is revealed that post shooting application is an instant and effective way of application of nutrients. Application through post shooting spray of 2.00 per cent sulphate of potash and 1.00 per cent urea during shooting, after shooting and one month after second spray significantly influenced the yield and quality of banana cv. Grand Naine with the highest profit under Northern dry zone of Karnataka. The same trail may be tried with other important banana varieties like Nendran, Rajapuri, Ney Poovan, Rasthali etc.ennullEFFECT OF POST SHOOTING SPRAY OF NITROGEN AND POTASSIUM ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF BANANA cv. GRAND NAINEThesis