Pujari, B TChavan, Mohan2019-07-112019-07-112003110http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810113748"A field experiment was inducted during late /chan/season of 2002- 2003 at Agricultural College farm, Raichur to study the response of nitrogen management through sunnhemp green manuring in castor {Ricinus communis L.). There were 15 treatment combinations with three replications laid out in split plot design. Among the green manures, green leaf manuring recorded significantly higher seed yield (10.23 q ha'^). The increase in seed yield of castor due to green leaf manuring was attributed to significant increase in ntimber of spikes per plant, length of main spike, number of capsules per main spike, number of seeds per plant, test weight and increased uptake of nitrogen by vegetative and reproductive parts of castor. Among the graded levels of nitrogen (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg N h a ' ) , significantly higher seed yield was obtained with the application of 80 kg N ha-i (10.09 q h a ' ) over the control (7.07 q ha-i), application of 20 kg N h a ' (8.50 q ha-i), 40 kg N h a ' (9.44 q ha""') and was on par with the application of 60 kg N h a ' (10.07 q h a ' ) . The significantly higher oil yield and oil content were also recorded with the application of 80 kg N ha-'. Significantly higher net returns (Rs. 10031.18 h a ' ) and BC ratio (1.553) were recorded with green leaf manuring of sunnhemp when compared to sole castor and in situ green manuring. Among the fertilizer levels, application of 60 kg N h a ' was found economically superior, which recorded significantly higher net returns (Rs. 9742.17 h a ' ) than other levels except with the application of 80 kg N ha-i."ennullNITROGEN MANAGEMENT THROUGH SUNNHEMP GREEN MANURING IN CASTOR (Ricinus communis L.)Thesis