Sarabjeet SinghMalhi, Gurjot Singh2016-08-282016-08-282016 media, an important medium of agricultural communication, can transfer knowledge and skill about latest agricultural technology to increase the production and at the same time highlight the farm related problems. Newspapers are enduring and very popular print media organ. Agricultural news covers a wide range of subject areas, assessing all stages from agricultural research and production to processing, marketing, consumption, nutrition and health. This study is based on secondary data gathered from The Hindu and The Tribune newspapers for the period July 2014 to November 2014. It aimed at evaluating how the two selected publications covered agricultural issues during the given period. According to the study The Tribune gave more coverage to agricultural news as compared to The Hindu. More articles and features were published by The Hindu, while The Tribune published more editorials and news on agriculture. The Hindu published more news on front and editorial page while The Tribune published more news on op-ed page and other pages. The Tribune published about double the pictures as of The Hindu. Also in spot pictures, The Tribune took the lead. The scientific information as well as market and finance information in the agricultural coverage of The Hindu is more that The Tribune. The Hindu published about double the graphs than The Tribune. No newspaper used cartoons or tables in the agricultural coverage during the period of study. As India is a predominantly agricultural country, the newspapers should give adequate coverage to agriculture on important pages of news dailies.enMass Media, Coverage, Agricultural newsAgricultural news coverage: A comparison of The Hindu and The TribuneThesis