Singh, P.K.Joshi, Somesh Kumar2019-01-282019-01-282018-06 present study was undertaken to prepare an optimized chicken gizzard blend (CGB) containing oat flour and to study the effect of its incorporation at varying levels on quality attributes of chicken patties and their storage stability at 4±1°C for 15 days during storage. Three levels of oat flour 5% (Tr1), 10% (Tr2) and 15% (Tr3) containing CGB were formulated with control (Con) containing no oat flour and patties were prepared and evaluated. All the treatments (Tr1, Tr2 and Tr3) exhibited higher (P<0.05) cooking yield (CY) than Con. Treatment showed higher (P<0.05) fat retention as compared to Con. Dimensional shrinkage showed higher (P<0.05) among treatments. Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) revealed that Tr3 showed highest (P<0.01) hardness values while Con, Tr1 and Tr2 did not differ significantly. Springiness was found to be highest (P<0.01) in Con and lowest in Tr3. Cohesiveness showed higher (P<0.05), and chewiness were not significantly different among treatments. Sensory evaluation did not reveal significant differences in scores for appearance and texture. However Tr3 showed significantly (P<0.01) higher flavour and juiciness scores than other treatments. Overall acceptability was found to be highest (P<0.05) in Tr2. Therefore CGB containing 10% oat flour was selected for next experiment. The optimized CGB (containing 10% oat flour) was added at 50% level (T1), 55% level (T2) and 60% level (T3) in patties and they were evaluated for quality attributes against control containing 30% chicken gizzard without added oat flour (C). Tr3 showed higher (P<0.05) CY than others. But, there was no significant difference in CY among C, Tr1 and Tr2. Significant differences (P<0.01) in fat retention was observed among treatments. Proximate analysis (%db) revealed highly significant (P<0.01) differences among treatments. The increase in CGB level led to decreased moisture and fat content. Higher significant (P<0.01) difference was observed in protein content, Tr3 had the highest and C showed the least amount. Ash content of patties increased significantly with increase in level of CGB. Cholesterol showed higher (P<0.01) difference among treatments. TPA revealed that springiness decreased significantly (P<0.01) with increase in level of CGB while the hardness, chewiness and cohesiveness did not differ significantly. Sensory scores were uniformly higher for Tr2 and Tr3 as compared to C and Tr1. Flavour, juiciness and overall acceptability scores were significantly different (P<0.01) among treatments. Whereas the appearance and texture scores were not different. Storage stability studies showed that addition of CGB significantly affected pH, TBARS and total plate count (TPC). The patties were acceptable upto 15 days storage at 4±1°C. Estimation of cost advantage by using Tr1, Tr2 and Tr3 in chicken patties revealed 38%, 43% and 46% reduction in the cost of patties as compared to control. Therefore, the optimized CGB containing oat flour can be incorporated in chicken patties with advantages of improved functionality due to reduced fat and cholesterol, increased protein, ash and cooking yield, reduced cost.ennullEffect of chicken gizzard blend containing oat flour and isolated soy-protein on quality characteristics of chicken pattiesThesis