RAGHAVENDER, K.B.P. (Major)GIREESH KUMAR, VCHANDRASEKHARA RAO, T.SSRILATHA, ChBHARATHI, SEELAM2016-12-222016-12-222009-05http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/92062ABSTRACT: The present study was conducted on 110 clinical cases presented to Campus Veterinary Hospital, Rajendranagar, and Veterinary Hospital, Bhoiguda, College of Veterinary Science, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad from September 2006 to February 2009. Of the ocular diseases encountered, 20% of the cases were diseases of the eyelids, 6.36% were diseases of conjunctiva, 38.18% were diseases of cornea, 1.81% were diseases of the sclera, 4.54% were cases of glaucoma, 13.63% were cases of cataract, 1.81% were diseases of retina, 8.18% were diseases of globe and 5.45% accounted for congenital diseases. Out of 110 dogs with eye diseases, 32 cases were seen in the age group of 0-2 years (29.09%), 25 cases were recorded in the age group of 2-4 years (22.71%), 14 cases were seen in the age group of 4-6 years (12.72%), 17 cases in the age group of 6-8 years (15.45%), 6 cases in the age group of 8-10 years (5.45%), 7 cases in the age group of 10-12 years ( 6.36%) and 9 cases were seen in the age group of 12 years and above (8.18%). The number of cases recorded in Spitz breed were a highest of 37 cases (33.63%), in non-descript breeds 17 cases were recorded (15.45%). 12 cases were recorded in Pug (10.90 %), 10 cases in Labrador Retriever, (9.09 %), 8 cases in German Shepherd Dogs, (7.27%) and six cases in Terrier breed were recorded ( 5.45%). Five cases each (4.54%) were recorded in Boxer and in Cross bred breeds of dogs, while in Neapolitan Mastiff and Great Dane, three cases were recorded (2.72%). In Beagle, Doberman, Dachshund, and Cocker Spaniel breeds, one case each were recorded (0.90%). No sex predilection was seen in the cases undertaken for this study. Classification of the diseases was according to the anatomical part affected. Six cases of eyelid lacerations, eight cases of eyelid tumours, and seven cases of prolapse of Harderian gland were treated surgically, which healed without any major complications. Eyelid lacerations and eyelid tumours were treated surgically. Histopathology of the eyelid tumours revealed trichoepithelioma, squamous cell carcinoma, sebaceous ductal adenoma, sebaceous epithelioma, papilloma and hemangiosarcoma in one case each. Surgical excision of the Harderian gland was performed in three cases and repositioning of the Harderian gland was performed in three dogs. Recurrence of the prolapse was noticed after seven days. Surgical excision of Harderian gland was performed in all cases, which recovered without any complications by the end of two weeks. Seven cases of conjunctivitis were treated according to the culture and antibiotic sensitivity test results. In six cases, Staphylococcus species and Klebsiella in one case were found to be the causative organisms. Ciprofloxacin was the antibiotic of choice as per culture and antibiotic sensitivity tests, followed by cefotaxim, ceftriaxone and gentamicin. All the cases responded to treatment with topical antibiotics, and were free of symptoms by the end of one week. Of the fourteen cases of keratitis recorded in this study, vaccination against DHLP and Candida species was the cause in one case each for the disease. In the other cases, cause could not be identified. Treatment by both oral and topical administration of the drug of choice resulted in complete recovery in 50% of dogs. Nine cases of superficial corneal ulcers were treated by topical administration of most effective antibiotic based on the culture and antibiotic sensitivity test result. In two dogs with pannus, the results were unsatisfactory. In other dogs, response to treatment was seen as increase in ocular comfort. Six cases of deep corneal ulcers were treated by placing nictitating membrane flaps, and six cases were treated by placing temporary tarsorrhaphy sutures. At the end of 30 days, the corneal ulcers were seen healed well by both the procedures. Seven cases of corneal laceration were treated by suturing the cornea with 6-0 surgical silk. Third eyelid flap was applied as additional support. Healing was seen in six cases by the end of 10 days. Eight cases of mature cataract were selected for surgical treatment based on the temperament of the dog and maturity of the cataract. Ultrasonography was performed in all cases. In six cases, extracapsular lens extraction with the help of cryoprobe was performed and in two cases, foldable lens was implanted. In one case where the lens was loosely attached, the lens was removed along with its capsule, i.e., intracapsular lens extraction was performed. At the end of one year, corneas were almost completely cleared of opacity. Scanning electron microscopy of the extracted lens revealed opaque lenticular fibres, and in some areas degenerative lesions were seen in the lens substance proper. Transmission electron microscopy did not reveal any particular pathology of lens. The cases of retinal atrophy were not treated, as the dogs were blind on presentation. One case of glaucoma responded for medical treatment. Vision was restored in three cases of traumatic proptosis. The congenital diseases recorded were bilateral macropalpebral fissure in a Cocker Spaniel, bilateral ventro-lateral squint in a Spitz cross, anophthalmos and microphthalmos in a Spitz, and Dermoid cysts in two Labrador Retrievers and in one Cross bred dog. The Dermoid cysts were excised surgically and healing occurred without any complications.enCLINICAL STUDY ON OCULAR DISEASES OF SURGICAL IMPORTANCE IN DOGSThesis