Arora, AnjuShivani2019-09-122019-09-122019-07 present investigation was undertaken to identify promising parents and crosses through Line × Tester analysis involving eight lines (PG 3, PG 4, PG 5, PG 114, PG 186, GNG 1581, CSJ 515 and GNG 1958) and three testers (ICC 4958, ICC 16350 and ICC 16351) for yield and drought related physiological traits based on GCA and SCA effects. Heterosis was also estimated to identify superior combinations. Crosses and parents were evaluated for different eleven agronomic traits (days to 50 % flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, 100 seed weight, biological yield per plant, seed yield per plant and harvest index) and eight drought related traits viz. relative water content, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoid, proline content, membrane stability index and canopy temperature depression at 50% flowering and pod formation stages. Analysis of variance for yield and related traits was found significant for all the eleven traits studied. The analysis of variance for combining ability in yield related traits indicated that both additive and non additive gene actions were important for expression of the traits. The estimates of 2 sca were found to be higher than 2 gca for all the traits except for plant height and number of pods per plant. The parents PG 186, GNG 1581 and CSJ 515 were found to be promising general combiners for maximum number of yield and related traits. The crosses GNG 1581 × ICC 4958 and CSJ 515 × ICC 4958 were identified as potential crosses based on significant SCA effects and heterosis over mid, better and standard parents. Analysis of variance for drought related physiological traits was found significant for all the traits except carotenoid content at 50% flowering stage. Analysis of variance for combining ability indicated significant Line × Tester results for all the eight traits at both the stages. The estimates of 2 sca were found to be higher than 2 gca for all the traits examined at both the stages, indicating good prospects for exploitation of non-additive genetic variance for physiological traits. The parents PG 3, PG 5 and PG 186 were found to be promising general combiners for maximum number of drought related physiological traits including proline content, relative water content, at either 50% flowering or pod formation stages. The crosses GNG 1958 × ICC 4958 and PG 186 × ICC 16351 were identified as potential crosses based on significant SCA effects and estimation of heterosis over mid, better and standard parents at both the stages. Overall, PG 186 was the most promising parent for higher yield as well as drought tolerance traits. GNG 1581 × ICC 4958 was the promising cross for yield and drought related traits in chickpea based on significant SCA values and estimates of heterosis over mid, better and standard parents.ennullCombining ability and heterosis analysis for yield and drought related traits in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)Thesis