Mini, GoyalNavjot Kaur2017-06-202017-06-202013 present study was conducted to examine the socio – economic and work profile of child labour in agricultural tool making units in Mandi Ahmedgarh of Sangrur district of Punjab. Different factors affecting their employment and the contribution towards their family income was also analyzed. A total number of 31 sickle making units were found in Mandi Ahmedgarh. The primary data were collected from 102 children working in these units. The study revealed that all the children employed in sickle making units were male and their mean age was found to be twelve years. Nearly ninety per cent of the working children were migrants and were from lower social strata of the society. Nearly half of the respondents were illiterate and the parents of majority of working children were also illiterate. The working children were found engaged in the activities like iron moulding, assembling and nailing in the sickle making. Per day mean wages of the child labour were about rupees eighty three only. The main reason which forced the children to join the work force was poverty and lack of their interest in the studies. The working conditions were not good and the behaviour of employer was bad. The employment of children helped the parents to take loan from the employer and gave the freedom to the children to spend their pocket money at their own will. The working children were found indulged in bad habits like smoking, consuming liquor, gutka, gambling etc. Though a social evil, child labour was found helpful in removing the poverty of the family to some extent. The children wanted to be educated and to be successful in their life. The study suggested the provision of night classes for those who wanted to study along with their work so that they may become literate and contribute in the nation’s development.ennullAN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF CHILD LABOUR IN AGRICULTURAL TOOL MAKING UNITS IN MANDI AHMEDGARH OF SANGRUR DISTRICT OF PUNJABThesis