Jagatheesan, P.N. RichardAnandh, M. AnnaParamasivam, A.Reetha, T. LurthuSenthilkumar, P.Rajarajan, G.TANUVAS2018-05-162018-05-162011http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810046228Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) birds belong to ratite group have high ecorrornic value tor their meat, eggs, oil, skin and ieathars. And about 96% of the emu bird’s parts are usable. These birds can thrive under varying climatic conditions wherever poultry can be reared. They are omnivorous and eat leaves, vegetables, fruits, insects, worms. Recognizing the economic importance of these birds, Australian Government in 1975 started domesticating these birds, which were living in the forest, by establishing big emu terms. in early eighties, emu farming activity started spreading in America, France and other European countries too. it is reported thatthereyare about 10,000 Emu farms in America. The emu farming practice has also spread to China, Japan, Malaysia and Korea. These birds; are adaptable to varied climatic conditions.en-USVeterinary SciencePoultry ScienceEmu Farming - IntroductionProspects of Emu Farming - 2011Article