Dr. N. M. ShahJ. B. Kathiriya2022-05-092022-05-092020-12https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810184475Brucellosis is an important zoonosis and a significant cause of economic losses to farmers. Abortion, placentitis, epididymitis and orchitis are the most common clinical manifestations in animals. In view of the considerable problems related to direct diagnosis of brucellosis in animals, the present study envisaged the appraisal of seroepidemiology of brucellosis in ruminants. For the purpose, three serological tests viz., Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT), Lateral Flow Assay (LFA) and Indirect-Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (iELISA) were employed. The Biochemical and molecular characterization of isolates was carried out for the final confirmation. A total of 770 serum samples from five districts (Junagadh, Rajkot, Amreli, Gir Somnath and Porbandar) of South Saurashtra region of Gujarat were collected to detect the brucella specific antibodies. A total of 304 clinical samples with reproductive disorders comprised of deep vaginal swabs (125), vaginal discharge (76), placenta (33), placental cotyledons (12), aborted foetal organs (lung-11, liver-11, heart blood-18 and stomach contents-18) were collected from ruminants. The clinical samples were cultured on Brucella agar medium (BAM) with selective antibiotic supplements. The Brucella isolates obtained from positive samples were tested by using genus and species specific PCR. Out of 770 ruminants sera screened, 116(15.06 %), 84(10.91%) and 124 (16.10 %) sera samples were detected positive by RBPT, LFA and iELISA, respectively. Species wise seroprevalence reported to be 18.13, 13.13 and 18.75 % in cattle, 12.09, 8.79 and 13.19% in buffaloes, 10.71, 7.14 and 13.39% in sheep and 15.38, 11.54 and 16.03% in goats by RBPT, LFA and iELISA, respectively. While, Sex wise seroprevalence rates of brucellosis were 14.37, 8.98 and 13.17% in males (167) and 15.26, 11.44 and 16.92% in females (167) by RBPT, LFA and iELISA, respectively. Higher seroprevalence was observed in females than in males. Location wise analysis revealed, seroprevalance in Junagadh district 14.33, 10.75 and 15.96 %, Rajkot district 16.88, 11.045 and 18.33 %, Amreli district 17.82, 12.61 and 14.41 %, Gir Somnath district 17.82, 11.88 and 13.86 % and in Porbandar district 10.31, 8.25 and 16.49 % by RBPT, LFA and i-ELISA, respectively. The overall higher rate of Abstract ii seroprevalence was noticed in Rajkot district (18.33%) followed by Amreli/Gir Sonmath districts (17.82 %) and 16.49% in Porbandar district as compared to other districts of South Saurashtra region of Gujarat. Overall sensitivity of RBPT and LFA was found to be of 83.06% and 65.32%, while specificity was 97.99% and 99.54%, respectively, considering iELISA as a gold standard test. Thus, RBPT was found to be more sensitive and less specific than that of LFA. The overall positive and negative likelihood ratio was 41.28 & 140.66 and 0.17 & 0.35 for RBPT and LFA respectively as compared to iELISA. The positive predictive value was 88.79% and 96.43%, while negative predictive value was 96.79%, and 93.73% for RBPT and LFA, respectively as compared to iELISA. McNemar chi-square test for independent data revealed non-significant difference for RBPT, while significant difference for LFA considering iELISA as gold standard technique. The concordance of RBPT and LFA was good (k=0.832 and k=0.746, respectively) considering iELISA as gold standard test. The clinical samples (304) subjected to cultural isolation on Brucella agar medium (BAM) with selective antibiotic supplements. Out of these, 17(5.59%) samples (cattle-8, buffaloes-4, goats-4 and sheep-1) yielded bacterial isolates. Which were confirmed as B. abortus by biochemical and molecular characterization. 17 isolates were recovered from vaginal swab-3 (2.4%), vaginal discharge-3 (3.95), placenta-6 (18.18%), placental cotyledons-3 (25%) and aborted foetal stomach content-2 (11.11%) from clinical samples of ruminants. For confirmation of isolates, colony duplex-PCR were carried out targeting Brucella genus specific BCSP-31 and IS-711genes to get 223bp and 350bp PCR products and all isolates were confirmed as Brucella spp. While, all 17 isolates were identified as B. abortus using desired amplified product of 498bp through multiplex PCR technique. The nucleic acid sequences obtained by sequencing of studied genes (BCSP31, IS711 and alkB) of Brucella isolates were aligned with published sequences available at GenBank (NCBI, USA). The nucleotide sequence alignment of the BCSP31, IS711 and alkB genes of Brucella showed as 97.9 to 100%, 98.3-100% and 95.3-100% homology with Brucella species, respectively. It shows that either BCSP31or IS711 gene is the best to study the genetic homogeneity in Brucella. Phylogenetically, the BCSP31, IS711 and alkB genes of B. abortus sequences obtained from the Junagadh isolate coming within the broader clade of different common species of Brucella. In conclusion, serology coupled with biochemical and molecular tests confirmed the prevalence of B. abortus in South Saurashtra region of Gujarat.EnglishSEROEPIDEMIOLOGY, CULTURAL AND MOLECULAR DETECTION OF BRUCELLA INFECTION IN RUMINANTS OF SOUTH SAURASHTRA REGION OF GUJARATThesis