PATIL, PRAKASHT. R., GURUPRASADBAWOOR, SHAFEEQV., DEVAPPAA., REKHAK. S., SHIVASHANKARA2021-07-082021-07-082017-06UHS13PGD71 study entitled ―studies on floral biology and fruit development in jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.)‖ was carried out, at the ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Hessarghatta, Bengaluru during 2014-15 and 2015-16. The flowering period noticed for on-season jackfruit was November to April, while it was August to October for off season jackfruit. Duration of stigma receptivity of female spike was 21.63 and 21.57 days and duration for development of floral bud was 45.12 and 44.52 days in 2014-15 and 2015-16 respectively. Maximum pollen viability was recorded at 6-hour timing interval. Significantly higher number of fruit set (49.00 and 47.67), number of fruits per tree (38.67 and 37.00) and fruit distribution on different branches (38.66 and 35.34 %) were recorded during 2014-15 and 2015-16 respectively in accession A1. However, significantly higher days tofruit maturity (104.60 and 102.27 days), fruit weight (24.83 and 24.00 kg), number of flakes per fruit (141.33 and 140.00), flake weight (46.50 g and 46.33 g) were during 2014-15 and 2015-16 respectively in accession A7. Results on fruit physico-chemical attributes indicated higher values for carotenoid content of 0.60, 1.60 and 3.33 mg/100g in 2014–15 and 0.60, 1.74 and 3.45 mg/100g in 2015–16, FRAP antioxidants content of 7.12, 10.57, 15.98 mg/100g in 2014-15 and 6.61, 10.62, 16.25 mg/100g in 2015–16, DPPH antioxidants content of 7.01, 8.85, 12.09 mg/100g in 2014-15 and 5.76, 9.90, 13.39 mg/100g in 2015–16 were recorded in accession A5 respectively at the immature, mature and ripe stages of the fruit. Significantly higher values for vitamin C (6.68, 12.80, 14.48 mg/100g in 2014-15 and 6.69, 11.97 and 13.46 mg/100g, in 2015–16) and titerable acidity of 0.17%, 0.33% and 0.48%, in 2014-15 and 0.17%, 0.33% and 0.50% in 2015–16 was noticed in immature, mature and ripe stages of the fruit respectively in accession A1. During both the years of analysis, significantly higher values for TSS (10.500B, 18.000B, 25.670B in 2014-15 and 10.670B, 17.500B, 25.170B in 2015-16, total sugars (9.75%, 17.81%, 22.56% in 2014-15 and 9.85%, 16.98%, 21.51%, in 2015-16) were recorded at immature, mature and ripe stages of fruit respectively in accession A7. Significantly high score for overall acceptability of texture crispness analysis was recorded in accession A7 (4.70 and 4.73 in 2014-15 and 2015-16 respectively). A total of 60 aroma volatile flavor compounds were identified in the samples, including 38 esters, 10 hydrocarbons, 7 aldehydes and ketones, and 5 alcohols.EnglishSTUDIES ON FLORAL BIOLOGY AND FRUIT DEVELOPMENT IN JACKFRUIT (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.)Thesis