Sharma, J. K.Shekhar, Chander2018-11-282018-11-282000 present study was conducted on fifteen apparently healthy experimental dogs kept under identical managemental conditions. The dogs were fasted for 12 hours before experimentation and were divided into three groups of 4:4t dogs each. In group I, haloperidol (5 mg/ml) @ 0.87 mg/kg body weight; followed 5 min later by propofol (10 mg/ ml) @ 5.10 ± 0.51 mg/kg body weight, in group II, haloperidol and propofol combination in 1:3 ratio @ 1.20 ± 0.16 mg/kg body weight and 7.2 ± 0.97 mg/kg body weight, respectively; in group III, combination of propofol and ketamine (50 mg/ml) in 4:1 ratio @ 6.47 ± 0.64 mg/kg body weight and 8.09 ± 0.80 mg/kg body weight, respectively was given intravenously. There was rapid and smooth induction of anaesthesia in all groups and all animals could be intubated. Also the satisfactory relaxation of musclehand analgesia was achieved. Eye reflexes were absent after induction in all groups and eye ball was medially rotated in group I and II but it remained in central position in group III. No emesis, retching, nystagmus or lacrimation was observed in any of the groups during anaesthesia or recovery, but, during recovery, there was mild shivering, mild paddling movements and knuckling of forelimbs in group II and mild salivation, vocalization, paddling and stupor in group III. The muscle relaxation was moderate to good in group I and II and mild to good in group III. Rectal temperature, respiration rate and MAP decreased significantly in all groups but in group III there was initial hypertension. CVP decreased significantly in group II. There was mild tachycardia in group I, moderate tachycardia in group II and severe tachycardia in group 111. There was moderate respiratory acidosis in groups I and II, and severe respiratory acidosis in group III. The electro­cardiographic, biochemical as well as haematological parameters did not show any significant change except for the significant hypoglycaemia in group I and II The recovery was fastest in group I and delayed in group III. The haloperidol followed five minutes later by propofol, rated as best anaesthetic protocol of the study, was used in 20 clinical cases referred for various surgical interventions. The results obtained in the clinical cases were smimilar to those of experimental group I.EnglishStudies on the aerobic enteropathogens of public health significance in meat, meat products and fishThesis