Katoch, ShivaniSharma, Sumani2019-08-032019-08-032019-06-04http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810119019The study was conducted to evaluate citric acid (CA) in diet with lower mineral concentration i.e. calcium and phosphorus (Ca;P) in commercial broiler poultry birds under complete randomized design. For this purpose, day old broiler chicks (n=96) were divided into 4 main treatment groups T0, T1, T2 and T3. Each treatment group was further divided in 2 replicates with 12 chicks in each. T0 served as control diet and was given standard corn- soy flake based ration. Treatment T1 served as standard ration containing 0.5 per cent CA and T2 was given ration containing 0.5 per cent CA along with 10 percent low Ca;P whereas treatment T3 was given ration containing 0.5 per cent CA along with 20 percent lower Ca;P as per ICAR (2013) standards. The diet T3 formulated with 0.5 per cent CA and 20 per cent lower Ca;P then ICAR 2013 recommendations significantly (P<0.05) enhanced the growth performance of birds in terms of gain in weight, feed intake, feed conversion efficiency and carcass traits like dressing percentage and forequarters weight compared to control T0 but did not show any difference compared to standard treatment T1. Supplementation of 0.5 per cent CA in the diets conferred protection to birds by lowering mortality in birds through reduction in total microbial count, altering the gram positive to gram negative ratio in the lower gastro intestinal tract. Treatment T3 enhanced the availability of calcium and phosphorus by activating homeostatic mechanism of calcium and phosphorus regulation as evident in metabolic trial, blood and tibial bone studies and exhibited 2.24 and 1.04 per cent higher gross profit compared to control T0 and standard T1. Treatment T2 exhibited reduced gross profit owing to poor FCR compared to control T0 and standard T1.ennullUSE OF CITRIC ACID AS AN ADDITIVE IN BROILER DIETS WITH LOWER MINERAL CONCENTRATIONThesis