SARWAR, H.A.I<.HEMANTIIA KUMAR, J.2018-05-262018-05-261997D5224 formulations are widely used to control grapevineanthracnose (Glows/2017212)) umpc/op/mgmn (Pass) Sacc.) But in the recent past, its efficacy has been reduced. For effective use of the fungicides it is important to understand the nature and extent of acquired resistance in (j. ampe/op/mgwm to carbendazim. Fifteen isolates of G. a/iipclophagmu were obtained from different vineyards located around Hyderabad and were tested for development of resistance. Among the fifteen isolates tested, five isolates were found to be inhibited in their colony growth at a very low concentration of l ttg ml-1 and hence were designated as highly sensitive. One of the isolate got inhibitedatslightlyhighconcentrationoflOttgml.I andgroupedassensitive. The growth in five isolates was inhibited at a concentration of 50—100 Mg ml'] and designated as weakly resistant, while remaining four isolates _ . t . -lgrew at very high concentration of the lungtcrdc 750—]500 ttg ml Hml were grouped as highly resistant. ln cross-resistance studies carbendazim resistant isolate of (i. a/iipe/o/lugimi has shown positive cross resistance to thiophanate—methyl and kitazin whereas its resistance was unaltered to hexaconazole, mancozcb, Copper oxychloride, Bordeaux mixture, dithianon, and chlorothalonil. Carbendazim resistant isolateofG ampelophagmn continued to retainits acquired tolerance even zil‘tei' live successive suhetilltii'ings in l‘nngieitle free medium, 'l‘he acquired resitance was stable and quite persistent in nature. Different systemic and non—systemic fungicides, alone and in combination were tested for management ofresistance in two ways ie.. one by slidegermination technique and the other by not culture experiment. In both the experiments among the different treatments tested hexaconazole alone (0.1%) and hexaconazole in combination with cai‘bendazim (O.l°/o) in the ratio of 1:] proved to be highly effective in managing the carhendazim resistance development in (1'4 anzpclophagmn.ennullACQUIRED RESISTANCE IN Gloeospnrimn (1mpeloplmgum(Pass)Sacc.(Sp/tacelomaampclinum(Ie Bary) TO CARBENDAZIM IN GRAPEVINEAND ITS MANAGEMENTThesis