SUDHEER KUMAR, S.SW'ENA SULTANA2019-08-092019-08-092003D7094 and two open pollinated varieties) were sown in a randomized block design replicated thrice at college Farm, ANGRAU, Hyderabad duriqg rabi, 2002 to study the effect of autogamy, gietenogamy, open pollination and pollen blend on seed yield and other component traits of sunflower. = Analysis of variance revealed,,that, significant variation existed for different 1:pollination treatments, genotypes and @ir interactions for various characters studied. Among the treatments, pollen blend treatment was regarded as the best treatment, due to its enhanced seed setting rate and higher number of filled seeds per capitulum and recorded higher accumulation of oil due to metaxenia effect. Competition among developing achenes for nutrients lead to production of thin hulled seeds with higher kernel to hull ratio, thereby recorded high kernel proportion in achene. Higher seedling vigour index was recorded by the heterozygous and heterogenous seedlings of pollen blend and open pollination treatments. On the other hand, pollen blend recorded reduced test weight, volume weight, hull weight and kernel weight due to .i competition among developing achenes. Autogamy studies revealed that hybrids recorded higher autogamy and self compatibility followed by inbreds and open pollinated varieties. The correlation studies revealed that total number of seeds per capitulum, number of filled seeds, seed setting percent, oil content and kernel to hull ratio recorded significant positive association with seed yield. Oil content showed significant, negative correlation with test weight and hull content. From the present study it can be concluded that the need of the hour is to develop synthetics, varietal mixtures and blends, which can yield on par with hybrids. bennullEFFECT OF POLLEN BLEND ON SEED YIELD AND QUALITY OF SUNFLOWER (Hellanthus annuus L.)Thesis