Dr. D. B. PATILMISTRY KURUSH RUSSI2017-07-042017-07-042010http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810024109A clinical study using three surgical techniques for removal of cataractous lens viz., Extracapsular Cataract surgery (ECCE), Manual Small Incision Cataract surgery (SICS) and Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation was conducted on 18 eyes of 17 dogs with cataract. Evaluation of the surgical outcome, complications and its treatment of the above three techniques was undertaken. Preoperatively, after anamnesis pertaining to blindness, routine haematology, serum biochemistry and detailed ophthalmic examination were performed in all the dogs operated for cataract. Under general anaesthesia using ketamine andenVeterinary SurgeryEvaluationEVALUATION OF EXTRACAPSULAR EXTRACTION, MANUAL SMALL INCISION AND PHACOEMULSIFICATION TECHNIQUES FOR CATARACT SURGERY IN DOGSThesis