Selvakumar, K.N.Thirunavukkarasu, MMeganathan, NKumar, N.K. SudeepPrabhu, MTANUVAS2016-05-182016-05-182008 study was undertaken to study the factor shares and value shares in livestock sector in different time periods, to examine the residual productivity growth pattern in livestock sector, to analyse the sources for the growth of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) in livestock sector and to estimate the cost of production of major livestock products (milk, mutton and chevon) in Tamil Nadu The secondary data required for estimation of TFP growth was collected, generated and estimated for the period from 1980–81 to 2003–04. For estimation of TFP, the entire state was considered as sample and for estimation of cost of production of major livestock products, Salem district was selected for estimating the cost of production of milk and for estimating cost of production of mutton and chevon, Ramanathapuram district was selected. From Salem district, 150 dairy farmers from 15 villages (10 farmers from each village) were selected by simple random sampling technique. In Ramanathapuram district, 150 sheep and goat farmers from 15 villages (10 farmers from each village) were selected by simple random sampling technique. Information relating to various aspects of dairy and sheep and goat farming was collected from selected farmers by survey method with a well-designed and pre-tested interview schedule. The field survey for this study was conducted during the month of March – October, 2007 and the data collected from the sample units related to the year 2006 - 2007. The data collected are analysed and tabulated with a view to achieve the objectives of the study. Specific tools of analyses appropriate to analyse the data with reference to each of the specific objectives are selected. A combination of analytical tools – average and percentage analyses, growth rate analysis, Total Factor productivity Approach and Multiple regression analysis are used to analyse the data. The results of factor shares in livestock production has indicated that among the different components that constituted the total inputs, the share of feed and fodder group ranked first, having almost half of the total inputs share, followed by labour, others and population stock. The results of livestock feeding pattern revealed that while the share of concentrates had gradually increased, that of dry fodder and green fodder decreased. Among the value shares of different livestock commodities, milk had occupied the major component followed by meat and manure. Further, the value of milk in the total livestockproducts had doubled between 1980-81 to 2003-04. In the case of growth rate analysis crossbred cow and poultry had shown significant positive growth while buffalo population has declined. The milk and egg production has registered high growth in the last two decades. The results of TFP analysis indicated that the livestock sector had really gained from the technological innovations introduced in 1980’s. While, the TFP growth in the period I 1980-81 to 1991-92 was not conspicuous, it was more prominent in the period II 1992-93 to 2003-04. The decomposition of TFP growth has shown that variables like veterinary institutions, dairy co-operatives, area under groundnut and rainfall were found to be significantly determining the TFP index. Other parameters like gross cropped area, area under paddy, area under cholam, credit flow to livestock sector and productivity of layer were found to influence the TFP index at 95 percent confidence interval. The analysis of cost of milk production revealed that among the different cost components, the feed cost encompassed a greater proportion of about 72 per cent, 72.7 per cent and 69.5 per cent for crossbred cow, indigenous cow and buffaloes respectively. The cost of production per litre of milk was the lowest for crossbred cows (Rs.9.74) followed by indigenous cows (Rs.9.85) and buffaloes (Rs.11.56). While the average net return per litre of milk was Rs.2.43 for rearing both crossbred cows and indigenous cows, the same was Rs.2.66 for buffalo. The analysis of cost of production of sheep and goat farming indicated that cost of sheep and goat was the major component in investment. The net returns with imputed value of family labour per sheep was highest in marginal farmers (Rs.1141.41) followed by small farmers (Rs.1003.53), landless farmers (Rs.848.23) and lowest in large farmers (Rs.632.52) with the overall value of Rs.792.36. The net returns with imputed value of family labour per goat was highest in marginal farmers (Rs.1123.19) followed by landless farmers (Rs.949.91), large farmers (Rs.679.90) and the lowest in small farmers (Rs.540.14) with the overall value of Rs.816.49.enGrowth Of Livestock Sector In Tamil Nadu – A Total Factor Productivity ApproachThesis