P. S. JAGADISHNIRMALA, P.2019-05-282019-05-282007-10-05TH8933http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810105301The incubation period of C. cephalonica on Foxtail millet at 25 ± and 71 ± 1.2 per cent relative humidity varied from 4 to 7 days (mean 4.66 days). Freshly hatched larva was creamy white coloured and passed through six instars. The average duration of each larval instar was 4.13, 5.04, 3,73, 3.40, 5.46 and 9.69 days, respectively and total larval duration took 31.26 days and pupal duration was 15.06 days. Developmental period took 41 to 59 days (average 51.95 days). Full grown last instar larva measured 11.02 mm in length. The mating period ranged from 60 to 130 minutes. The preovipositional period ranged from 1 to 2 days. Eggs were laid singly or in groups of 3 to 5 eggs in rare cases. Fecundity ranged from 90 to 150 eggs; oviposition period lasted for 6 to 8 days. Adult females, irrespective of food availabihty, lived longer than the males. The nature of larval development did not differ on Foxtail millet. The larva started forming grain cluster and started feeding inside the grain cluster. Finally each larva makes 3 to 4 such grain cluster and mixed with broken grains excreta and frass. The population stress study showed that a high release of initial moth pairs (12 pairs) resulted in the early operation of crowding effect and marked reduction in the population in subsequent generations. In the studies on the influence of different grain properties on C. cephalonica infestation, the broken grains and flour of Foxtail millet were most preferred for growth and development. Among the different varieties tested, Prasad variety offered maximum resistance to C. cephalonica infestation, which was reflected in terms of lesser adult emergence from this variety. Among varying grain moisture contents tested, 15.53 % was most favourable for pest which reflected in terms of higher survival and shorter developmental period. In host preference study, maize was the most preferred host which showed higher moth emergence and weight loss due to infestation.ennullBIOECOLOGY AND INFESTATION BEHAVIOUR OF THE RICE MEAL MOTH, Corcyra cephalonica STAINTON (LEPIDOPTERA: PYRALIDAE) ON FOXTAIL MILLET, Setaria italica (L.)Thesis