Rangasamy SMuthuramalingam TPugazhenthi TRTensingh Gnanaraj PTANUVAS2024-07-252024-07-252014https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810212505In the present trial, rabbit does were randomly divided into two groups of twenty each Group I, does were treated with synthetic GnRH 0.8 µg subcutaneously for induction of ovulation. Mating allowed directly at the time of GnRH administration. Group II, twenty does were served as control, Pregnancy was confirmed by ultrasonography after 10 days of mating. The conception rate was 90 (18/20) and 65 (13/20) per cent obtained by in treatment and control group respectively, The present study was emphasized that synthetic GnRH administration at the me of mating will help for ovulation and conception rate.EnglishAUGMENTING FECUNDITY RATE IN RABBIT THROUGH INDUCTION OF OVULATION WITH SYNTHETIC GNRHNational Symposium on “Frontier Reproductive Biotechnologies for Enhancing Animal Fertility and Fecundity : Global Perspective” and XXIX Annual Convention of the Indian Society for study of Animal Reproduction, NagpurOther