N. NeethiselvanV.K. Venkataramanil2017-05-262017-05-262000-12http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810012601The investigation on the feeding habits of squids of thoothukkudi waters revealed that they fed mainly on shrimps in their early phase of the life and switched over to fish in the later phase. Cannibalism was; found to persist in all the three species of squids studied. Occurrence of relatively a higher portion of shrimps and other crustaceans in the gut content of Sepioteuthis lessoniana rersealed the oientation of this animal more toutards the sea bottom than Loligo duvauceli and Doryteuthis sibogae.ennullFEEDING HABITS OF SQUIDS OF THOOTHUKKUDI, SOUTH EAST COAST OF INDIAReprint