Dr. Kalpesh KumarPATOLIYA HIRENKUMAR BHARATBHAI20721210172024-01-052024-01-052023-09https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810205767Seeds are not only a strong symbol for food sovereignty and biodiversity but also one of the important elements to strengthen farming communities. This study analyses the marketing mix, awareness and adoption gap, satisfaction level and buying behaviour using primary data of 200 farmers from from districts Rajkot, Junagadh, Porbandar and Gir Somnath. Marketing mix observed that cost-effective packaging and social media advertising have improved efficiency and reduced marketing costs. Farmer awareness and adoption observed that most farmers have a medium level of awareness and adoption gap for KSAC products. Farmer satisfaction observed that Farmers express overall satisfaction with KSAC products, especially in terms of product quality and service. New product offerings using Kano model identifies customer preferences for new products. Farmers are interested in attributes related to product quality, availability, replacement options, and delivery time. Buying Behavior observed that landholding size and seed quality significantly influence farmers' buying behaviorEnglishASSESSING THE MARKETING STRATEGY AND ADOPTION GAP OF KRUSHISHARAG AGRICLINIC 3761Thesis