SURESH KUMAR, R.V(Major)HARI KRISHNA, N.V.VVENKATA NAIDU, GAMULYA, CHENGALASETTY2017-08-192017-08-192017-03 In the present study the neomycin loaded collagen scaffolds were prepared, charecterized, optimised to evaluate its invivo efficacy compared with neomycin sulphate ointment and control. A study was conducted on eighteen rabbits divided into three groups of six animals comprising group-I as control group. The commercially available neomycin ointment was used in the group-II. The neomycin loaded collagen scaffolds were procured after standardization and evaluation by different physical methods in group-III. Cutaneous wounds were created at the loin region of all the animals and the wounds were left unsutured in control group, neomycin ointment was applied in group-II and same sized neomycin loaded collagen scaffolds were applied on group-III animals. These were evaluated by clinical, physiological, gross, haematological, biochemical and histological studies. Group-III animals showed early healing compared to group-I and group-II. These neomycin loaded collagen scaffolds did not alter the physiological parameters. The total erythrocyte count, haemoglobin and PCV values in group-I and group-III showed either significant or nonsignificant fluctuations throughout the observation period but were within normal range, whereas in group-II total erythrocyte count and PCV decreased significantly on day-7 but by day-14 they returned to normal range. The total leucocyte count values in group-I and group-II, differed nonsignificantly (P> 0.01), whereas in group-III, a significant increase by day-7 followed by significant decrease reaching normal range by day 14 was observed. Differential leucocyte count, neutrophil count, and lymphocyte count showed significant difference (P<0.001) among the groups and nonsignificant difference within groups. The eosinophil, basophil and monocyte counts in all the groups though significant changes, fluctuated within the normal range.Hydroxyproline showed significant (P<0.001) changes among the groups and also within the groups. In group-I and group-II the values increased significantly from the base value till day-14, whereas in group-III values increased significantly (P<0.01) on day-7 followed by a significant decrease on day-14. Hexosamine values showed significant increase from the base values on day-7 in all the groups followed by significant decrease on day-14 in group-I and group-II, whereas in group-III, the value increased significantly on day-14. Iron values showed significant changes among the groups and also within the group but higher value on day-7 which were decreased on by day-14. Copper values showed non significant fluctuations till day-7 in all groups followed by significant increase on day-14. Zinc values increased significantly in group- II, whereas in group-I and III the values fluctuated non significantly. None of the animals showed a positive reaction for Creactive protein at different periods of observations in all the groups. Early fibroplasia, neovascularization and epithelialisation were noticed in group III, compared to other two groups.Based on the observations in the present study it was concluded that neomycin loaded collagen scaffold could be used safely for cutaneous wound healing without any adverse effects.ennullEVALUATION OF NEOMYCIN LOADED COLLAGEN SCAFFOLDS FOR CUTANEOUS WOUND HEALING IN RABBITSThesis