Dr. K. D. AparnathiPatel Mayankkumar Thakorbhai2017-08-042017-08-042008http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810027375The present study was planned and conducted to evaluate the suitability of sago (tapioca starch) as a functional ingredient in regular fat ice cream. Sago is natural, comprises of starch which can serve as stabilizer and sago has certain dietary benefits. Many people are fond of eating premium ice creams and frozen desserts but due to high calorie content and high price they avoid consuming such ice cream. In this study an attempt was made to prepare a regular fat (10.0 per cent) ice cream using a combination of sago and Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) as stabilizer and emulsifier respectively and see whether it can compare favourably with premium ice cream in sensory quality. Hence, the experimental ice cream (enDairy ChemistryStudyEVALUATION OF THE SUITABILITY OF SAGO (TAPIOCA STARCH) AS A FUNCTIONAL INGREDIENT IN REGULAR ICE CREAMThesis