Gandhi, SudeshSuman Rani2018-03-222018-03-222017 is becoming a major threat to the environment and human health. Sustainable waste management practices are thus essential to preserve the environment. The present study was conducted in Hisar district of Haryana state under 3 phases. From Hisar district, two villages were selected purposively, Gawar under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan adopted by CCSHAU and Devan, under AICRP (H. Sc.). From these two selected villages, two formal and two informal groups were formed. Thus in all, four formal and four informal groups were formed to draw the samples respondents. For phase I, a sample of 100 respondents was drawn for data collection from both villages. Under phase II, experimental part of the study was carried out at Domestic Farm Unit of the Department FRM. For phase III, based on the interest of the respondents, 25 respondents each from formal and informal groups of each village, were selected purposively, thereby, making a sample of 50 respondents from both villages for the purpose of training and intervention. Panchayat members, anganwadi workers and teachers constituted the formal group. It was found that maximum of them were in the age group of 50-70 yr (45%), matriculate, having nuclear families (70%) with medium size family (39%), hailing from high caste category (54%) having medium family education status (52%). Farming was their main family occupation (48%) and were mainly small farmers (38%), earning between 40,000-60,000/ annum (44%) and had up to 2 milch and 2 small animals (48% and 61%) respectively. Maximum of them (63%) had low mass media exposure. One- half of them were member of a formal organization/ society. Existing knowledge, attitude and practices regarding waste management techniques revealed that they had medium level of knowledge, attitude and practices followed by low level. However, formal groups showed a better level of knowledge, attitude and practices. Experimental reveals that decomposition done using red earth worms (Eisenia fetida) 50-60 percent manure was prepared from the bio-waste. Training were conducted using, mass media exposure in both villages. Seven families were adopted the vermicomposting technology. Post exposure gain in knowledge, change in attitude as well as practices were from high to medium level. Knowledge gain, positive change in attitude and practices were found to be highly significant at 1 percent level of significance regarding waste management techniques. Adoption of vermicomposting, for decomposition of biodegradable waste was of moderately high level. Hence, training and intervention can lead to sustainable waste management practices in rural communities, especially the biodegradable waste which will lead not only to safe environment but also the income generation.enAssessment of biodegradable waste management techniques for rural communitiesThesis