PRABHAKAR, MUKESHMORAN, ANKUSH2019-12-262019-12-262019-12 The present investigation entitled “Evaluation of phytosociological, natural regeneration and site characteristics of Rhododendron campanulatum D. Don in alpine region of Western Himalayas” was carried out during the year 2017-19 with the aim to study the floristic composition, phytosociology, regeneration and site characteristics at different altitudinal range and aspects in Dodra Kwar and Khashdhar Forest Range. The study area was divided into three elevation zones, E1=3000-3200 m, E2 =3200-3400 m and E3 =above m in northern and southern aspect. Phytosociological parameters of trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation in each elevation and aspect were studied by laying down three sample plots of 0.1 ha for trees, within it five sub-quadrates of size 5m×5m for shrubs and 1m ×1 m for herbs were laid out. Composition, density (trees or ind. ha-1), basal area (m2 ha-1) of different vegetation layer for tree, shrub and herb layers were analyzed. The data were analyzed by using factorial RBD factorial. Both forest ranges were comprised of 44 plant species. Maximum trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation density, basal area was found on northern aspect as compared to southern aspect. The regeneration study conducted to know the status of natural regeneration indicated maximum regeneration success (52.78%) at elevation 3200-3400 m on northern aspect in Khashdhar range for Rhododendron campanulatum. Soil organic carbon per cent, soil EC and available N, P, K was recorded to be highest on northern aspect as compared to southern aspect. The pH, Bulk density (g cm-3) was maximum on southern aspect as compared to northern aspect. Maximum solar influx per cent was reported on southern aspect as compared to northern aspect in both forest ranges. The main factors responsible for adequate regeneration of Rhododendron campanulatum were soil OC, soil pH, available N, P, K, solar influx, aspect and elevation.ennullEVALUATION OF PHYTOSOCIOLOGICAL, NATURAL REGENERATION AND SITE CHARACTERISTICS OF Rhododendron campanulatum D. Don IN ALPINE REGION OF WESTERN HIMALAYASThesis