VASUNDHARA, MSRIKANTAPRASAD, D2017-01-252017-01-2540120Th-9535 investigation on the “Standardization of Vegetative propagation of Morinda citrifolia L. var. citrifolia by cuttings” using various inputs was carried out in a medium cost poly house during 2008-09 at Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru. Experiments were conducted to standardize the vegetative propagation of noni cuttings using growth regulators with sand as rooting medium and organic preparations with different rooting media. Among the different nodal cuttings and growth regulators treatments triple nodal (12 cm) cuttings were significantly superior in time taken for sprouting (18.64 days), number of roots (2.87), root length (4.88 cm) and survival rate (46.33%), whereas IBA 3000 ppm recorded significant number of roots (2.96), length of root (7.80cm), and survival rate (72.22%), their interaction recorded highest number of roots (2.89), root length (11.44 cm) and survival rate (73.33%). Among the organics panchagavya recorded highest number of roots (18.27), root length (7.96 cm) and survival rate (70.67%) whereas the vermiwash recorded 22.96 days to sprout, 95.33 per cent rooting, 13.07 roots, 4.00 cm root length, and 66.00 per cent survival rate. Among the different rooting media used, mixture of red soil, sand and FYM (1:1:1) was found to be significant with higher rooting (88.67 %), number of roots (14.96), longest root (4.53 cm) and survival rate (64 %). The combination of panchagavya with 1:1:1 rooting mixture of red soil, sand and FYM was found to be significantly superior with respect to root and shoot parameters. This combination recorded maximum number of roots (24.11) and longest root (10.82 cm). The present study can be concluded as, triple nodal cuttings coupled with IBA 3000 ppm is the best treatment for propagation. Whereas panchagavya or vermiwash coupled with rooting media comprising of 1:1:1 mixture of red soil, sand and FYM is best for organic cultivation.en---STANDARDIZATION OF VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION OF Morinda citrifolia L. var. citrifolia BY CUTTINGSThesis