Dash, A.K.Monica, Muktileena2017-01-052017-01-052015http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/94598A field experiment was conducted during 2014-15 in order to study the effect of urea phosphate on yield and yield attributes of rice and green gram in rice-green gram cropping system. The soil of the experimental site was sandy loam, acidic in nature (pH-4.95) with medium organic carbon content (6.3 g kg-1). The soil is low in available nitrogen (193 kg ha-1), phosphorus (18.7 kg ha-1) and potassium (194 kg ha-1). The experimental design was randomized block design with 3 replications and 10 treatments. These treatments were 1) control (no nutrient) 2) 50% RDF 3) 75% RDF 4) 100% RDF 5) 50% RDF + twice foliar spray of 1% urea phosphate 6) 50% RDF + twice foliar spray of 2% urea phosphate 7) 75% RDF + twice foliar spray of 1% urea phosphate 8)75% RDF + twice foliar spray of 2% urea phosphate 9) 100% RDF + twice foliar spray of 1% urea phosphate 10)100% RDF + twice foliar spray of 2% urea phosphate. The result revealed that highest total chlorophyll content, nitrogen content and phosphorus content of rice leaves collected at different growth stages recorded with T10 (100% RDF + twice foliar spray of 2% urea phosphate) . Foliar application of 2% urea phosphate recorded highest values for these parameter than that of 1% urea phosphate spray irrespective of nutrient levels. Highest yield (4579.3 kg ha-1 of rice was observed with T10 which was higher than T9. Highest nutrient use efficiency (57.79 kg) of grain/total kg of nutrient was recorded with T2 whereas highest agronomic efficiency (15.34 kg of grain/kg of nutrient applied) was recorded with T6. The highest cost of cultivation (38198.00), gross return (66578.70), net return (28380.00) and benefit cost ratio (1.74) of rice crop was recorded with T10. Highest total chlorophyll content, nitrogen content, phosphorus content of green gram leaves at different growth stages was recorded with T10. Highest grain yield (834.1 kg ha-1), yield attributing characters and nutrient uptake was observed with T10. The highest cost of cultivation (19025.00), gross income (38370.00) and net return (19346.00) and benefit cost ratio (2.02) was observed with T10.The highest rice equivalent yield (2887.38 kg ha-1) and system productivity (20.46 kg/ha/day) was recorded with T10. From this investigation it was concluded that application of 100% RDF (80:40:40 kg N:P2O5:K2O) along with twice foliar spray of 2% urea phosphate was producing higher yield and yield attributing characters for both rice and green gram. Foliar application of 2% urea phosphate was superior than that of 1% foliar spray for both rice and green gram. Foliar application of 1% urea phosphate along with nutrient also helpful for getting higher yield.enEffect of urea phosphate on yield and yield attributes of rice and green gram crop in rice-green gram cropping systemThesis