Tanwar, V.K.Sharma, Chandra Kant2019-06-222019-06-222005-04http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810109576In the present study attempts were made to compare the meat yield and quality characteristics of Guinea fowl (Lavender) and Desi fowl (Aseel) meat. Aseel was found superior to Lavender in meat yield and most of the cutup parts at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age. The above yield increased with age in both the type of birds. When physicochemical characteristics of raw meat from two birds were compared, it was found that the moisture percent, ether extract per cent, ash percent and water holding capacity per cent was higher and protein content was lower in Aseel meat than that of Lavender. With the increase in age of bird, protein , ether extract and ash percent increased while moisture and water holding capacity of raw meat decreased in both Aseel and Lavender. Among physicochemical characteristics of tandoori from Aseel and Lavender the results were almost similar to that of raw meat for protein, ether extract and ash but moisture and cooking yield were higher for Lavender tandoori than that of Aseel at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age. With the age moisture decreased while all other parameters of Aseel and Lavender tandoori increased significantly. In chemical characteristics, with the progress of storage period pH decreased while TBA value increased in both Aseel and Lavender tandoori but with the age a non significant change in pH and TBA value of tandoori was observed in both the type of birds. From present study it was concluded that tandoori prepared from Aseel and lavender can be kept well upto 10 days at refrigerated storage but at 15 days of storage the product was spoiled as indicated by off flavour, rancid odour and high microbial load. With the storage total plate count, yeast and mould and proteolytic count of Aseel and Lavneder Tandori increased significantly but an increase in age of bird had no significant effect on these counts. Sensory evaluation of tandoori revealed a significant decrease in sensory attribute score of Aseel and Lavender tandoori with the storage period but with the increase in age only texture, juiciness and overall acceptability decreased significantly in Aseel and Lavender tandoori. Aseel tandoori was superior to that of Lavender Tandoori in various sensory attributes including overall acceptability in this way Aseel was found superior to Lavender in most of the attributes studied in the present study.ennullComparative studies on quality characteristics of meat and meat products from guinea fowl (Lavender) and desi fowl (Aseel)Thesis