Kokila, SGopal, KPrabhu, MMayilkumar, KTANUVAS2020-06-162020-06-162014-04http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810147641TNV_SIJVS_2014_1(4)40-41A case of still born male calf with the congenital tetra – Amelia condition is reported in this paper. External examination of the calf revealed total absence of all the four limbs. The pedigree of the calf could not be ascertained as the dam was purchased from local shandy. On physical examination no other phenotypic anomalies could be found, while post-mortem examination revealed the fully developed visceral organs.enVeterinary ScienceUnusual case of Tetra - Amelia in a Holstein- Friesian cross bred calfShanlax International Journal of Veterinary ScienceArticle