Dr. V. ROJACHILAPARTHI VAMSI KRISHNA2024-05-012024-05-012024-05-01D6556https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810208531The present investigation entitled “Genetic diversity, population structure and association analysis for fiber quality traits in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) using simple sequence repeat markers” was carried out at the Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Lam, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh during kharif 2021-22. A total of 48 cotton genotypes (Gossypium hirsutum L.) including two checks (NDLH1938 and LHDP-1) were studied for important fibre quality and yield attributing traits. The diversity among 48 genotypes were studied at the molecular level, using SSR markers. Sigle marker analysis was conducted to identify the markers that are significantly associated with the fibre quality traits. The observations were recorded for 48 genotypes on different plant morphological and yield attributing traits such as, plant height (cm), number of monopodia per plant, number of sympodia per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight (g), ginning outturn (%), seed index (g), lint index (g) and fibre quality traits i.e., upper half mean length (mm), micronaire value (μg/inch), fibre strength (g/tex), fibre uniformity (%) and fibre elongation (%). Among all the genotypes studied, five genotypes performed better for the yield and fibre quality traits. Among them, GP144 (number of sympodia per plant, seed index, fibre strength and fibre elongation) , GP55 (boll weight, ginning outturn (GOT), micronaire and fibre elongation), GP73 (boll weight, lint index, upper half mean length (UHML) and fibre uniformity), GP66 (lint index, upper half mean length (UHML) and elongation) and GP5 (number of sympodia per plant, boll weight, fibre strength and fibre elongation) exhibited good phenotypic performance. Correlation studies among the yield and fibre quality traits revealed that the number of sympodia per plant exhibited significant and positive correlation with number of bolls, lint index and ginning outturn (GOT). The upper half mean length (UHML) exhibited significant positive correlation with fibre uniformity. The fibre strength and fibre uniformity recorded significant positive correlation with fibre elongation. xv Among the 26 SSR markers studied, only six were found to be polymorphic. The six polymorphic SSR markers amplified a total of 12 alleles. Polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.40 to 0.50 with an average of 0.46. The highest PIC value was exhibited by the markers, JESPR204 (0.50), DPL0068 (0.50) and NAU2443 (0.49). The number of effective alleles ranged from 1.60 (NAU3467) to 2.00 (JESPR204) with a mean value of 1.83. The highest number of effective alleles were recorded by JESPR204 (2.00), DPL0068 (1.98) and NAU2443 (1.96). The shannon's information index varied between 0.56 (NAU3467) to JESPR204 (0.69) with a mean of 0.64. The cluster analysis based on UPGMA method revealed that the 48 genotypes were grouped into three major clusters. The cluster I comprised of 32 genotypes, cluster II comprised of 12 genotypes and cluster III comprised of 4 genotypes. The dissimilarity values obtained between the genotypes GP131 and GP138 was found to be 0.07, which indicated that these two genotypes having least dissimilarity, where as dissimilarity value of 0.11 was observed between GP101 and GP105, 0.125 was observed between the genotypes GP88 and GP109 and GP90 and GP92. The population structure analysis revealed that the entire 48 genotypes were divided into two subgroups based on the ΔK value (ΔK = 2). The marker trait association study conducted using single marker analysis revealed that the marker DPL0041 on chromosome 9 was significantly found to be associated with the trait boll weight with a phenotypic variance of 17.22%. Hence the marker can be utilized for the selection of genotypes with high boll weight using marker assisted selection. Among all the genotypes studied, five genotypes namely, GP144, GP55, GP73, GP66 and GP5 performed better for both yield and fibre quality traits. Hence, the above genotypes may be considered as the best donors for the breeding programme when aiming for development of high yielding hybrids coupled with good fibre qualityEnglishGENETIC DIVERSITY, POPULATION STRUCTURE AND ASSOCIATION ANALYSIS FOR FIBER QUALITY TRAITS IN COTTON (Gossypium hirsutum L.) USING SIMPLE SEQUENCE REPEAT MARKERSThesis