PRA VEEN, G. P., B. F. Sc2019-07-052019-07-052012 is a vast country with having varied and enriched natural resources. The natural resources like freshwater, marine water and the brackish water are important in production and development of resources. India has huge potential brackish water resources and these brackish water resources include estuaries, coastal lagoons, mangrove swamps and coral reefs supports a varied biological resources, such as fishes, prawns/shrimps, crabs, mussels, (clams, cockles, and oysters), lobsters, and other with their seed resources as well as sea weeds. India has 1.30 million ha. brackish water area suitable for aquaculture. (Ghosh, 2010). Out of which, at present about 1.41 lac. ha. area is presently under aquaculture (traditional, improved extensive and semi-intensive systems). And the estuaries covered along North Kanara district are Kalinadi, Aghnashini and Sharavati.STUDIES ON BENTHIC DETRITAL AGGREGATE FORMATION IN CULTURED SHRIMP PONDThesis