Dr. VEENA, S. ANILNANDINI, G A2023-01-102023-01-102020-12-21https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810191604ThesisNano science research is moving forward in a fast pace as nanoparticles have special features that can be exploited in the field of Agriculture. Earlier in our lab, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been phytosynthesized using sandalwood leaf extract and characterized by SEM, FTIR and XRD analysis and one season, field testing of phytosynthesized AgNP on groundnut crop. In this study, the applicability of the phytosynthesized AgNPs was reaffirmed on groundnut crop in field experiment and pot experiment was taken up with variety GKVK-13 in Kharif of 2019 at GKVK, Bangalore. The study reveals that AgNP treatments significantly enhanced plant biomass andgroundnut yield in both field and pot experiments. The AgNP treatments resulted in significant suppression of late leaf spot disease severity in groundnut. The study demonstrates AgNP induced defense priming-like response with elevation of defense enzymes SOD, POX, secondary metabolites such as phenolics and flavonoids in groundnut. AgNP treatments resulted in significant increase in yield parameters in field and pot experiments. Field experiment revealed AgNP foliar spray of 100ppm+RF showed higher pod yield of 33.61 per cent and pot experiment of 22.5 per cent in AgNP Foliar spray+RF+ST compared to the fungicide control. In vitro exposure of plant cells to AgNPs showed enhanced callus proliferation. The study observed that seed treatment with AgNP, significantly enhances growth parameters in germinated seedlings. The study thus demonstrates that phytosynthesized AgNP has the potential of being used as a growth promoter, improves germination performance, and for management ofphytopathogens in groundnut crop.EnglishEVALUATION OF PHYTOSYNTHESIZED SILVER NANOPARTICLES IN ENHANCING YIELD AND IN THE CONTROL OF LATE LEAF SPOT DISEASE IN GROUNDNUT: BIOCHEMICAL RESPONSES IN PLANT CELLSThesis