Singh, C.B.Dapinder Singh2020-07-162020-07-162020 crop due to short duration and has a distinct advantage over other legumes to be grown in both summer and kharif season has a good potential to be used in the intensive cropping system. A field experiment was conducted at the research farm of the Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during summer seasons 2017 and 2019 to study the deep tillage and irrigation effects on water productivity of summer mungbean. The treatments included three irrigation regimes at IW: PAN-E of 0.75 (I0.75), 0.50 (I0.50) and 0.25 (I0.25) in the main plots and two tillage systems (conventional tillage-CT and deep tillage-DT) in the subplots. Penetration resistance was observed to be lower in DT than CT throughout the depths of measurement. Root growth was measured at podding and least frequent irrigation regime I0.25 and DT increased root growth (total root mass and root mass density) more so in the deeper layers (i.e. from 60-90 cm). Above ground biomass and stover yield recorded at harvest time during both the years was positively influenced by DT and medium and more frequent irrigation regimes (I0.50 and I0.75). Profile moisture storage measured at 37 DAS in 2017 and 46 DAS in 2019 was about 3 cm more irrigated regimes (I0.50 and I0.75). Deep tillage had less soil moisture storage than CT in less frequent I0.25 regime during both the years. Yield attributes were much influenced by deep tillage and effects were more pronounced in 2019. Increase in irrigation frequency increased the mean seasonal water use by the crop from I0.25 to I0.75 (28.8 cm to 38.6 cm) irrigation regimes. Also, it was higher under DT in less and medium frequent regimes (I0.25 and I0.50) compared to CT. Grain yield was influenced by both irrigation and deep tillage. Medium irrigated I0.50 regime had maximum grain yield followed by I0.75 and I0.25 irrigation regimes. DT enhanced the mean grain yield by 0.06 t ha-1 over CT which had respective value of 1.08 t ha-1 in 2017 and 0.90 t ha-1 in 2019. There was a tendency of interaction between irrigation and tillage where DT I0.25 regime (0.99 t ha-1) gives comparable yield to that of CT I0.50 regime (1.03 t ha-1) on the mean basis. An increase in irrigation frequency reduced mean water productivity from 3.34 kg ha-1 mm-1 to 2.64 kg ha-1 mm-1; DT had a tendency to increase water productivity both in 2017 and 2019.enDeep tillage and irrigation effects on water productivity of summer mungbeanThesis