Sharma, V. K.Gurlal Singh2020-12-172020-12-172020Gurlal Singh (2020). Changing income and employment structure of agricultural labour in Punjab (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. present study has been designed to investigate the income and employment structure, decomposition pattern and impactofdifferentfactorsaffecting demand for agricultural labourin Punjab. The primary data was collected from 270 agricultural labourers in three different agro-climatic zones of state and secondary data was extracted from state and centrally sponsored projects. The results of the study showed that the share of agricultural workforce declined from 55.25 per cent in 1991 to 30 per cent during the period, 2011. The compound annual growth rate showed that there was decline in casual agricultural labour to the tune of 4.06-man days per hectare annually since 1990. The income of agricultural labour household was observed as `10615.95 per month and consumption expenditure of farm laboures was recorded as `11493.93 per month. On an average the liabilities of agricultural labourers as debt was `57143 and average value of owned household assets was `225701. The poverty head count ratio was recorded as 8.89 per cent. The major reasons for casualisation of farm labour were overuse of permanent labour hours by the farmers and influx of cheap migrant labour in the state. The higher wage rate and freedom of work were the main reasons for the contractualisation of agricultural labour. The farm labour employment was declined as 18.17 hours per hectareduring 2008-09 to 2015-16. The decomposition of declined agriculture labour employment showed that the technology replaced 28.56 hours of farm labour. Contrary to this, cropping intensity contributed an increase in agriculture labour demand as 12.35 hours per hectare during the same period. It was observed that one per cent increase in the cropping intensity would incline the use of labour by 1.33 per cent, while one per cent increase in wage rate would decline the labour demand by 4.7 per cent. The agriculture laboures household of the state facing the problem of illiteracy, healthcare, debt burden, use of drugs, less availability of farm work, and deprived economic condition. The study brings into account that during the last two and half decades, most of the zones experienced a significant decrease in use of agriculture demand in the state. It was concluded that agricultural labour use pattern changed as permanent to casual and to contractual in the state.EnglishChanging income and employment structure of agricultural labour in PunjabThesis