GANESH BABU, M. S.HUSSAIN, ALMAHASNEH.2017-03-142017-03-142009-08-25Th-9158 experiments were carried out on red loamy sand soil of Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Navile, Shimoga, Karnataka during kharif seasons of 2006 and 2007. The investigation involved two field experiments and one pot culture experiment. In experiment-1, eight treatments were tried in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications to study the effect of integrated nutrient management in FCV tobacco to improve leaf yield and quality. In experiment-2, twelve treatments were tried in RCBD with three replications to study the effect of organic production of FCV tobacco for improving the quality of tobacco leaves. In experiment-3 (pot culture experiment), ten treatments were tried in CRD with three replications to study nutrient release pattern in the soil under integrated nutrient management and organic FCV tobacco production. In experiment-1, pooled data of two years indicated that 50% recommended N through neem cake and 50 % through inorganic fertilizers recorded the highest green leaf yield (10,150 kg ha-1), cured leaf yield (1416 kg ha-1) and top grade equivalent yield (785 kg ha-1). All the treatments recorded acceptable limits of chemical quality parameters. However, application of 50% recommended N through neem cake and 50% through inorganic fertilizers recorded the highest phosphorus, potassium and reducing sugars, lowest chloride and nicotine content in 'X' and 'L' position leaves. In experiment-2, pooled data of two years indicated that recommended NPK and 12.5 t ha-1 FYM (package of practices) recorded the highest cured leaf yield (1340 kg ha-1) and top grade equivalent yield (775 kg ha-1) and was on par with 100% recommended N through vermicompost + maize stover + Azotobacter + PSB (1275 kg ha-1 cured leaf yield and 742 kg ha-1 top grade equivalent yield). However, application of 100% recommended N through vermicompost + maize stover + Azotobacter + PSB recorded the highest potassium and reducing sugars content, lowest chloride and nicotine content of 'X' and 'L' position leaves. In pot culture experiment, data clearly indicated that application of neem cake along with inorganic fertilizers under integrated nutrient management practices and vermicompost and maize stover along with biofertilizers (Azotobacter and Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria) under organic farming practices of FCV tobacco help in release of nutrients steadily and make it available to the plants during crop growth period.ennullEFFECT OF INTEGRATED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIC FARMING PRACTICES ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF FLUE CURED VIRGINIA TOBACCO (Nicotiana tabacum L.)Thesis