Ritu ChakravartyVANI CHANDRAN2023-12-072023-12-072023https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810202327The present study was conducted in Kerala. Three districts were selected randomly each from Southern, Central and Northern Kerala. The respondent groups of the study were comprised of Farmers and Extension Personnel. The total sample size was 240, among that 180 were IFS farmers and 60 were officials. Data were collected through a well structured interview schedule. The collected data were analyzed by using appropriate statistical tools in order to draw meaningful conclusions. Most of the IFS farmers in Kerala belonged to old aged category and had completed education up to higher secondary. The primary occupation of the majority of the respondents were farming only and they were marginal farmers with small family size and herd size. Most of the farmers had medium level experience in IFS activities and had high mass media exposure with medium extension agency contact and extension participation. In the study area, nine IFS components were identified. Component analysis in terms of extent of adoption, integration of practices and contribution to household income revealed that, extent of adoption of identified components and contribution to annual household income varied from low to medium whereas extent of integration of available components varied from medium to low. Based on various combinations, eight different dairy based IFS systems were identified and dairy and crop were the dominant component in all systems both in terms of adoption as well as integration. The findings also pointed out that for establishing and maintaining various components in a unit, farmers were experiencing different technological needs and constraints. IFS farmers perceived the need for value addition technologies more than production technologies. In general, they preferred socially accepted low cost technologies with high income generation capacity, efficiency, flexibility, easy accessibility and permitting sustainable and maximum utilization of local resources. Lack of remunerative prices for farm produces and high cost of production were the top ranked constraints experienced by the farmers. Majority of the IFS farmers had a neutral to favourable attitude towards IFS. IFS offers multiple sources of income and guarantees supply of balanced and nutritious food to families which were the most important factors that influenced the attitude. The findings highlight the need for revamping of the existing policies, schemes, programs, to support institutional strengthening and capacity building of the farmers. This will help the farmers to expand their existing units by adding more components and technologies to their units. Further, this would overcome many constraints faced, thereby improving the productivity and profitability.EnglishEXPLORATORY ANALYSIS OF INTEGRATED FARMING SYSTEMS OF KERALAThesis