Vasanthi, C.Dushyanthan, K.Babu, R. NarendraRao, V. AppaRamani, R.Abraham, Robinson J.J.TANUVAS2018-09-042018-09-042017 based carabeef loaves incorporated with low value variety meat and offals (@ 25% of meat) were subjected to analysis of Physico-chemical characteristics like pH, Shear Force Value (SFV), Thio-barbituric Acid (TBA) Number; Tyrosine Value (TV) and Hunter's colour L*(lightness), a*(redness), and b*(yellowness) values, to study the effect of value addition under different packaging methods like Aerobic (AP), Vacuum (VP) and Modified Atmosphere packaging (MAP) methods, during chiller storage (4±1°C). Though significant (P<0.05) and highly significant (P<0.01) differences were observed between binders (Refined Wheat Flour (T1), Egg (T2), Soya (T3) and Liquid Whey (T4)) stored in different packaging methods for SFV, TBA, TV and Colour values on 7th day and 14th day, variety meat incorporated samples were similar to that of control sample. Influence of packaging methods on physicochemical quality was observed for pH on 7th day, TBA, L* and a* on 7th and 14th day of chiller storage. With increase in storage period, significant and highly significant differences were observed for control and variety meat incorporated loaves for TBA, TV, L* and a* parameters. Refined Wheat Flour treated loaves packed in vacuum packing appeared redder (17.21± 1.28) than other binders and recorded highest TBA value (0.13±0.15) in aerobic packaging on 14th day of chiller storage. However, almost all the treated loaves packed in different packaging methods recorded similar values for physico-chemical quality traits. Based on the results, it could be concluded that variety meat incorporated loaves irrespective of binders and packaging methods are acceptable upto 14 days of chiller storage.en-USVeterinary ScienceMeat Science and TechnologyEffect Of Packaging Methods On Physico - Chemical Quality Traits Of Variety Meat Carabeef Loaves On Chiller StorageArticle