Narayanan Namboodiri, K MSumathikutty Amma, BKAU2021-02-252021-02-251981T-101 (Vlgna ungiculata) Is the major pulse crop cultivated in Kerala where the average yield of pulses in general and Cowpea in particular is very low even under modern agronomic practices* This low productivity is mainly due to the absence of high yielding varieties suited for the different agro-climatic conditions. The varietal requirements in Cowpea, in the state vary because of the highly contrasting system of cultivation and this compels Cowpea breeders to evolve varieties of different combinations of plant, pod and seed characters, This is possible by producing different varieties combining the desirable attributes required for the diverse situations by suitable means. One of the ways by which, this can be achieved is through combination breeding in which desirable genes are pooled frcra different sources* In a previous study conducted in the Department of Agricultural Botany, the 202 genotypes v/ere grouped into 17 distinct clusters. Representing 15 clusters, 15 varieties were chosen for intervarietal hybridisation and their F^'s evaluated during 1979-80, Seeds collected from the plants of the 16 Intervariota] crosses along with their parents were used for the study. Two families In each of the 16 crosses were studied along with their respective parents for the pattern of inheritance of 15 economic characters. Most of the characters were found to be inherited as quantitative characters controlled by either polygenes or by a few major genes with their action being suitably modified by minor genes. The crosses 5 x 15 (g p .p l s . 139 x p .118) and 6 X 8 (Red Seeded Selection X Kolingipayar) were identified as suitable ones for grain - production and also for using as dual purpose Cowpea culture since they might throw segregants best suited to those purposes. For the specialised system of Cot/pea culture practised in summer rice fallows exclusively for vegetable purpose, the crosses 14 X 16 (Pannithodan-early X Kolingipayarwhite), 17 X 16 (Mancheri-black X Kolingipayar^hite) and 10 X 6 (IC. 20729 X Red Seeded Selection) appeared to be the Ideal ones*EnglishInvestigations on intervarietal F2 hybrids in cowpeaThesis