Venu LeninPRAVEEN KUMAR2020-11-252020-11-252020 great civilizations people started communicating through different modes and methods but with the time around 30 percent started residing in cities but around 70 percent people still resides in countryside. Though people still use traditional media for communication in rural areas but with the advent of modern media the potential of other modes of communication including traditional folk media is undermined. As our society is changing in many aspects the people started using modern media as a mode of communication and source for information as they are easily available at a cheaper cost. But as the rural and remote areas in our country are concerned several challenges hinders the use of these modern media. An attempt in this study was made to understand the traditional folk media and communication aspects linked with it, which will help in improving the content of folk media and communication itself. Systematic documentation of traditional folk media into a well structured information base can help in an easy understanding of folk media for present and future generations. The research study was conducted purposively in Rajasthan state due to its richness and vastness in traditional folk media and other cultural set up. Jodhpur and Jaipur districts were purposively selected for the study. Two blocks from each district and one village from each block were purposively selected based on presence of practicing folk artists in the village. Fifteen folk artists, fifteen development functionaries and thirty folk media audience were selected from each district and total sample size was 120. Data collection tools like semi structured interview schedule and focus group discussion were used. Various traditional folk media were documented and categorized as folk dance (Kalbelia, Ghoomar, Teratali, Kachigodhi, Loor, Bhavai), folk songs (Langha, Bhat, Brahmin, Bhand, Dhodi, Rajput), puppet show, folk proverbs and folk drama ( Khayal, Pabuji ka Phad). From the results it was revealed that folk media artists and development iv functionaries preferred folk songs (37.60) followed by puppet show (29.22), folk theatre (28.70) and folk dance (20.68) in both districts based on the mean Garret score. Relationship between attributes of message and channel was analyzed by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient between attributes. Attention getting attribute of message have shown correlation with ease in understanding (-.471), informative (-.397) and receivability (-.402) and accuracy was positively correlated with suitability (0.392) and one attribute of channel dependability have shown negative correlation with suitability (-.560). Content of forty popular folk media songs were analyzed, the result of which have shown that 11.26 per cent information communicated was related to social relations , 7.26 per cent was related to entertainment and 5.27 % was related to agriculture and only 2.50 per cent information was related to health. Results of utilization pattern of folk media have explained that 60 % of folk artists and development functionaries used folk media regularly, 50 % of folk artists and development functionaries spent less than one hour in using the same and 55 per cent of folk artists and development functionaries spent night time for using folk media. Among perceived management constraints the lack of reinforcement of the programme was ranked first (38.13) and among financial constraints lack of incentives given to folk media was ranked first (38.56), among communication constraints elements of external barrier such as noise was ranked first (38.42), among technological constraints long duration of programme was ranked first (34.76) and among social constraints non participation of audience in problem solving was ranked first (39.77). To maintain the folk culture government should initiate measures such as providing incentives to folk artists. The result of research study clearly shows the communication aspects of folk media. Traditional folk media have great potential which can help the development functionaries to use them effectively for information disseminationEnglishAn analytical study of Communication through Traditional Folk Media for Rural Development in RajasthanThesis