K. B. AsodariyaRISHI RAJ2021-07-122021-07-122019-08https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170362A field experiment entitled “Effect of foliar application of various fertilizers on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by onion (Allium cepa L.)” was carried out during rabi season of 2017-18 on calcareous clayey soil at Junagadh. The experiment comprising ten treatments was laid out in randomised block design with three replications. The experimental results revealed that significantly higher values of growth parameters viz., plant height, number of leaves, yield attribute viz., bulb polar diameter, bulb equatorial diameter, average weight of bulb (g), grade of bulb, total bulb yield and marketable bulb yield at harvest; quality parameter viz., TSS, bolters and doubles, soil and plant chemical analysis N, P, K and S content and uptake and their in soil after harvest were recorded under the treatment 75 % RDF + WSF, Grade 4 and Banana pseudo @ 1 % foliar spray at 45 and 60 DAT. The highest net return ( 279203 ha-1 ) and B: C ratio (5.32) was realized with the application of 75 % RDF + WSF, Grade 4 and Banana pseudo @ 1 % foliar spray at 45 and 60 DAT. Based on one year experimental results, it seems quite logical to conclude that higher production and net returns from rabi Onion (GJWO-3) can be obtained with application of 75 % RDF + WSF, Grade 4 and Banana pseudo @ 1 % foliar spray at 45 and 60 DAT on medium black calcareous clayey soil under South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone.EnglishEFFECT OF FOLIAR APPLICATION OF VARIOUS FERTILIZERS ON GROWTH, YIELD AND NUTRIENT UPTAKE BY ONION (Allium cepa L.) 2955Thesis